Ian's Kinks*

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Okay.... long story short: I write my fics on my phone and copy and paste them to the Wattpad app before editing and publishing on the website. I had 30+ notes of fic ideas and a few finished ones that were all deleted when I got locked out of my phone. I didn't have a backup since I shared an icloud with my mom and we didn't want our stuff to be mixed up. Sooo, all my things (fics, pictures, contacts) are permanently deleted and I basically have to start over. I've remembered and wrote down most of the fic ideas but all the content is gone so I have to rewrite all of it. It may take a while to get things out for a bit, but I'll try my best to get back to a normal scheduled soon. 

In the mean time, have something I was nearly done with when it all got erased and I had to make a V2 of before I forgot the contents of~

Waring: smut, cursing



"Iaaaan, just tell me your kiiinks." Ben repeated himself for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"H'mmm," Ian gave a second of thought, "nah."

"Why nooot?" Ben whined.

"Cause," the older smirked.

"Cause whyyyy?"

"Cause, I've already told you."

Another whine, "But I wanna know your real kinks."

"Those were my real kinks."

"No, they weren't, Ian," Ben whined out his words, "Making me feel good isn't a kiiink."  He pouted and continued with a huff, "Why do you get to know mine if I can't know yours?"

Ian let a moment pass before deciding to say what he was thinking, "If you really want to know them then I can show you."

"Huh?!" Ben blushed at the sudden suggestion.

A smirk, "We have all the things we'd need here. We just have to go up to our room and get started."

"I..." Ben hesitated but continued with a sigh as he realized this may be his only chance to find out his boyfriend's kinks, "Okay."

"Good," Ian pressed a kiss to Ben's cheek before grabbing his wrist and leading upstairs to their room. He lightly pushed the smaller onto the bed and crawled on top of him to kiss him again.

Ben let out a small moan as he felt his lips be licked and opened his mouth to let the other explore. He moaned more as all the sensitive spots were hit and moaned even louder as a hand was slipped under his shirt.

Ian smirked into a kiss as he rubbed his thumb over one of the smaller's nipples, causing yet another moan, before pulling off the younger's shirt. He moved his mouth down and gave his lover dark hickeys over his neck and chest before pulling away. He moved a hand down to rub Ben's bulge and smirked at the moans he got in response.

The smaller moved his hands from clutching at the sheets to dragging them up under the older's shirt before pulling it off. He tossed the piece of fabric aside before bringing his hands back to the older's shoulders and digging his nails in.

Ian slowly undid and pulled off Ben's jeans before moving up to kiss him again. He hooked his thumbs under the elastic of the smaller's underwear and smirked at the moans he got as he pulled them off, letting cool air hit hot skin.

Ben dug his nails in deeper as he let out moans and squirmed a bit under the older. He started to let himself get lost in the teasing touches and kisses all over his body before whining as Ian pulled away.

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