
451 10 10

Request by Strawb_Sco0ter

Prompt: All of Ben's kinks

Disclaimer: His kinks kinda change depending on what I'm writing, but these are sorta the 'base kinks' I tend to give him

Warning: smut (if you haven't already figured that out xD) 

Also, sorry that this took literal months to post... I do my requests in order and they've all been taking a while lately >.<



Ian pulled a pair of handcuffs out of the box of sex toys and lined them up with the other items he had laid out on the dresser. He checked to make sure he had everything he needed before putting the box back in the closet and walking over to the nightstand beside the bed. He opened the drawer and pulled out a lighter to light a few candles, knowing Ben would be home any second now.

For the moment, his boyfriend was out of the house and Ian was taking it as an opportunity to prepare his special surprise. It wasn't uncommon for him to set up surprises for his little, unsuspecting boyfriend - from movie marathons to dates to nights of unforgettable sex. Though, tonight he wanted his surprise to be extra special and extra memorable.

Looking back at the dresser, he smirked and couldn't help but to be slightly aroused as he imagined using all of the items on Ben at once.

Ironically, they had started out as a vanilla couple who were skeptical about trying kinks. Though, once they tried one, Ben only seemed to find more and more that he wanted to try. Eventually, all the testing lead to the fairly large box of toys that they now stored in their closet.

Hearing the front door open, Ian snapped out of his daydream of what he planned to do and headed downstairs to meet up with Ben.

He barely gave the younger time to close the door before pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss and pushing him against the wall. Smirking at the moans already escaping the other, Ian grabbed Ben's wrists and pinned them above his head before kissing him harder. A few rough kisses and many moans from Ben later, Ian moved his mouth down to the other's neck and left a few dark hickeys before moving back up and whispering into his ear, "How about we take this to the bedroom."

Ben let out a moan and desperately nodded, obviously turned on from being treated so roughly.

Smirk crossing his face, Ian gave Ben one last rough kiss before grabbing one of his wrists and excitedly leading him upstairs to their room.

Distracted by arousal, Ben didn't notice the toys laid out as he was pushed onto the bed. Ian quickly climbed on top of him and passionately kissed him as he ran his hands under the smaller's shirt.

Ben moaned at the feeling and let the other easily take off his shirt. He moaned louder and slightly arched his back as he felt hands teasingly palm his crotch before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.

Letting out a small whimper when the hands pulled away, Ben moved his hands under Ian's shirt and lightly scratched at his back before pulling the piece of clothing off.

It didn't take long for the rest of their clothing to be stripped off and tossed to the floor as Ian gave Ben more rough kisses and got moans and scratches in response.

The older moved his mouth back to Ben's neck and gave him a few more hickeys, making sure to suck extra hard over his sweet spot, wanting to tease him as much as he could. A moment later, Ben was starting to turn into a moaning mess and Ian took that his cue to pull away and get off of the bed.

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