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Taking a little break from all the requests and smut *cough cough* this is still a general fanfiction book after all *cough cough* to write some non-smut ideas I've had for a while.

TransBoy!Ben AU



A few weeks ago, Ben had asked his parents to send some of his childhood toys and various other items to America, where he had just moved in with his best friend and boyfriend, Ian. 

Now, the two were laughing at the unexpectedly large box that the delivery person had left on their door step. 

After taking a moment to calm down, they lugged the box into their living room and Ben sat next to it to pick at the tape holding it shut while Ian went off to get a pair of scissors. A short argument later, the smaller was playfully pouting as Ian cut the tape and opened the box. Excited smile suddenly back, Ben jumped up from his spot sitting on the floor to look into the box with his lover.

The first thing they noticed was fluff. Lots and lots of fluff from lots and lots of stuffed animals.

Smirk spreading across his face, Ian didn't waste time making fun of them and was almost shocked as the smaller defensively retorted that he had really liked them as a kid and had tried to collect them all. 

Blinking away his surprise at the reaction, Ian turned his attention back to the box and started pulling out plushies to see what was hidden under them. He failed to hold back his laugh as found and pulled out two dolls. He teasingly held them in front of the other, "You had dolls, Benny? That's so cuuuute!" 

Seemingly shocked to see the two toys, Ben stiffened for a moment before blushing and snatching them away from his lover to set them out of sight. When he turned back towards Ian and the box, he saw his lover pull out a stack of photos and look down at the one on top.

Ian smirked at the dorky picture of his lover as a teenager and handed it over when he was done looking at it. He repeated that process with each one, quickly noticing that Ben seemed to be getting younger and younger in each one .

A couple more pictures and he was frowning as he realized that Ben seemed to, also, be getting less happy and more uncomfortable in each one. 

Just a few more and Ian found what had to be a mistake. In one picture, Ben seemed to be in his early to mid teens then the next was of a young girl blowing out birthday candles with a bunch of pink decorations around her.

Curious as to what the picture of the little girl was doing in Ben's stuff, the older turned it for his lover to see and spoke, "Is this your sister? It must of gotten mixed in with your pictures."

The response, or rather lack there of, was not what Ian was expecting. Instead, Ben just stared at the photo, almost seeming to be in shock of seeing it.

"Baby?" Ian questioned the other's behavior, "Baby, what's wrong?"

There was a long silence before Ben slowly blinked and shook his head, "I-It's me..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That," he pointed at the girl,  "is me."

"But... but that's a girl."

"Yeah..." Ben slowly brought his hand back and looked away.

A moment passed before Ian spoke up, "Wait... Benny, are you... are you trans?"

Another moment passed before the smaller shakily replied, "Y-yeah."

"Oh," Ian's simple response was quickly added to, "That's okay."

Ben looked up at him with tears in his curious eyes.

"I don't mind having a trans a boyfriend. As long as you're still the happy, giggly, little dork I fell in love with, it doesn't matter what parts you have."

Ben smiled at the words, more than glad that his lover accepted him.

Though, question quickly coming to mind, Ian hesitated before awkwardly continuing, "Speaking of parts... Which... which ones do you have? I-I mean! H-have you had any of the surgeries?"

Ben smiled again at the attempt to not be offensive and sniffled before answering, "I've... had top surgery."

"So... You still have the... bottom parts... you were born with?" Ian awkwardly fumbled over his words.

Looking away, Ben replied, "Y-yeah." He paused and blushed before continuing, "I... don't exactly feel comfortable with them, b-but," he hesitantly paused,  "but I've always wanted kids and... since I'm gay... it's kinda... not... normally possible... for two guys to have their own kids..."

"So you want to keep the parts that can have kids with another guy?"

Ben blushed harder, "Y-yeah." 

An awkward silence fell between them until Ian broke it with a question, "Wait... If you're not even comfortable with just having the parts, then wouldn't it be really uncomfortable for you to be pregnant?"

A moment more of silence passed before Ben responded, "I... usually try to make myself think that it'll be worth it. I do really want kids after all, so any amount of dysphoria and discomfort should be worth it. Right?"

Ian bit his lip at the sad and, almost, desperate tone of the other, "Never mind. S-sorry I made you think of something you're so uncomfortable with. Um..." he thought for a moment of how to change the subject, "How about we clean some of this stuff up and go watch a movie in our room?" He moved behind the smaller and wrapped his arms around him in a hug before pressing a kiss to the top of his head, "You can pick which one."

Ben sniffled and turned around in Ian's arms, smiling up at him for a magical moment before speaking the only words he could think of, "I love you."

Ian leaned down, "I love you too." He closed the gap between them with a kiss and stayed like that for a moment before pulling away to wipe Ben's tears and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, "C'mon, help me put some of this stuff back in the box."

Getting a small smile in return, the two turned back to the large box and slowly packed the pictures and toys back into it, ending up with quite the mountain of stuffed animals on top. With that, they headed upstairs to their room where they'd be too busy giggling and messing around with each other to pay any attention to the movie playing on their TV in the background.


1062 words! This didn't turn out as good as I would of liked it too, but it's like 10x better than the first version that got deleted with the rest of the stuff on my phone so... *shrug* I'll take it

Hope you enjoyed! 

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

The Great Book of One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora