Two Years

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Prompt: Person A and B are madly in love, but Person B disappears all of a sudden. Person A discovers they are pregnant with B's child. Forward to a few years later when B returns; they return to their lover, only to find a child heavily resembling B.

Warning: Mpreg

This is my favorite one I've written in a while ^-^



Ben had, naturally, been worried when he woke up alone. Though, he figured that his lover would be back from whatever he was doing soon. He couldn't of been more wrong.

It had, now, been a few weeks since Ian went missing.   

Ben sighed as he sat against the bathroom wall. He wiped his mouth with the piece of toilet paper that he had grabbed earlier and threw it into the toilet. Another day of waking up and immediately feeling sick to his stomach.

He figured that all the throwing up he was doing had to be a mix of worry about if Ian was okay and the anxiety he felt about living alone after the four years of living with who, for the last year, had been his husband.

Though, as time went on and months passed, Ben found himself having strange cravings and gaining weight despite keeping up his usual lifestyle. Finally getting worried that something could be wrong with him, Ben gave in and went to the hospital.

After a quick check up that showed all normal results, the doctor decided to run a few tests. The first one, a quick pregnancy test, Ben had been sure would come back negative. So, when the doctor came back with a smile, he had been confused.

"Good news, it appears there's nothing wrong with you."

Ben gave him an even more confused look.

"You're pregnant."

His jaw dropped, "Wh-what... No, I... I can't-" He cut himself off as memories of the few days before Ian disappeared came back. It had been their anniversary. They had had a quite an... interesting night.


"Yes, the test came back positive. You are, in fact, pregnant."

After a moment of shocked silence, the doctor spoke up again. "While you're here, we can do an ultrasound if you'd like."

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah. I'd like that." A hesitant hand went to his stomach and he suddenly felt protective of the unborn baby.

A few minutes later, Ben was laying on a bed in a different room. There was a nurse with him and lots of technology that he could only guess the functions of.

"Are you ready?" The nurse's voice was soft and calming.

Ben felt himself relax a bit and nodded before speaking, "Y-Yeah."

She turned to grab a tube of something and spoke when she was facing him again. "Could you lift your shirt?"

"O-oh yeah..." Ben pulled up the fabric of his t-shirt and the nurse  squeezed out some of the contents of the tube into her hands. Soon it was being spread on Ben's pale skin and he gasped at how cold it felt.

She smiled like this was a reaction she saw often and walked back to the the small counter. She changed the gloves she was wearing and grabbed the scanner.

As it pressed against his stomach, Ben felt his heart beat faster and suddenly seemed dizzy. This was real. He was pregnant and would be a father soon and he would have to raise this kid and he was alone.

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