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Haptephilia: one becoming aroused by another's touch.

Warning: smut



The feeling had been unexpected. Ben had come into contact with plenty of people in his life but none of them ever made him feel this. This tingly warmth that could only be arousal.

He pulled away from the hug quicker than he should have and awkwardly shifted his weight back and forth as he tried to force the feeling away.

"What's wrong?" Ian sounded confused.

"N-nothing." He forced a smile at the taller and ran off to get his luggage.


Days had passed since Ian had picked the other up from the airport and the older was growing tired of being avoided. Ben had seemed more than excited by the idea of coming to America to meet Ian. Why was he avoiding him now?

Wanting answers, Ian headed to Ben's room. He knocked on the door and, when he got no answer, sighed and opened it. Ben looked up at him and pouted from the spot where he was sitting on the bed and leaning against the headboard.

Ian sat on the edge of the bed and turned towards him.

Ben pulled his knees up to his chest just in case Ian touched him and he had to, uh, hide anything.

Ian sighed and spoke his mind, "Why are avoiding me?"


"Don't act dumb, Ben. It's obvious you're trying to stay away from me. Why?"


"Ben." Ian sounded serious.


"Ben, please. You just seemed so excited to come here and all you've done since you got here was stay in this room." Ben looked down. "You only ever leave to sneak to the kitchen or go to the bathroom across the hall. And, even then, you hide when you see me... I just want to know what happened. What's wrong?"

"You... won't believe me." Ben's voice was small.

"I'll believe you."

"...you'll hate me..."

Ian smiled at him, "I could never hate you."

Ben let out a deep sigh and Ian knew he did it. He was going to get the answers he wanted. Though, he didn't expect to see a faint red appear on Ben's cheeks.

"I..." Ben took a shaky breath and swallowed past the lump in his throat, "I guess that at some point I kinda... sorta... started liking you. A-as more than a friend. A-and I guess that I l-love you so much that uh... e-every time we touch I, uh, I.... I get t-turned on." The last part had been rushed out and left Ben's face a bright red.

Ian, on the other hand, had been left in total shock. Shock that his friend had such a confession. Shock that his crush liked him back. Shock that he could turn this man on by just touching him.

A smirk twitched at Ian's mouth. "So... this turns you on?" He reached over and gently grabbed Ben's shoulder before running his hand down his arm.

A chill ran down the younger's spine and he let out a shaky breath before squirming a bit. "Y-yeah."

"And...," Ian moved closer to Ben, "this?" He put his hand under the smaller's chin and gently lifted his head up.

Ben nodded as his blush darkened.

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