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Warning: smut (including knotting)  


Ian was walking down the street when he noticed the unmistakable sent of an omega in heat. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his instincts aside and kept walking. However, the scent only got stronger and he realized that the omega had to be in the direction he was going. A few more steps and he noticed something else: the omega's scent has something familiar to it. Ian couldn't place exactly what it was but, he had definitely smelled it before.

Another couple of steps and Ian froze. There were suddenly many more scents in the air. It was obvious by both the smell weakness of the scents that these ones were coming from alphas, like himself.

Ian took another deep breath. There was only one reason that so many alphas would be around an omega in heat. And Ian didn't quite like the idea of that happening to someone who's scent seemed familiar to him. So, he heading in their direction.

The scents lead him to an alleyway between two buildings down the street. Peeking into the alley, he couldn't help but to gasp at what he saw.

Three alphas, all seemingly smaller and younger than Ian, cornering an even smaller omega who Ian instantly recognized as his best friend. Though, where there was usually a smile on Ben's face there was now a look of pure fear and panic. He was shaking and, judging by the strength of his scent, Ian couldn't tell if it was from fear or from how late in his heat he was.

An alpha stepped closer to Ben and Ian let out an instinctive growl. No one was getting closer to Ben. Not another step would be made towards the omega Ian had been fighting every instinct to scent and bond and mate with for so long.

The alphas all turned towards him and, upon seeing how much bigger and stronger Ian was than them, one ran. Ian didn't bother to go after him but, focused on the other two. He managed to land a punch on one and knocked him to the ground. Though, before he could get the other, he was gone too. Ian growled at the alpha on the floor and he scrambled to his feet before running off, leaving Ian alone with Ben.

Taking a breath to calm down, Ian turned towards the omega. "You okay? They didn't touch you or anything?"

"I... uh... n-no. I'm fine." Ben paused before adding, "Th-thank you."

"No problem." Ian slightly growled the words before moving closer to Ben.


Said man crouched down and slipped one arm behind Ben and the other under his legs. The smaller gasped at even this small interaction.

"I-Ian?!" The permanent blush of his heat darkened as Ben was pulled against Ian's chest. He practically screamed the alpha's name as he was lifted up.

Ian carried Ben out of the alley and continued to his original destination - home.

"W-where are you t-taking me?" Regardless of the fact that Ian was his friend, he was still an alpha and  he, himself, was still an omega in heat.

"Home." The simple answer seemed almost emotionless.

"B-but my house is the other way..."

"My home."

"Wha- But-"

"I won't hurt you." Ian spoke the words as he finally realized why the other was acting so strange.

"I know but-"

"Why were you out here anyway?" The question had been running through Ian's mind since he saw Ben.

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