15. Sincerity

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Same day, same year, fucking same place
Loki is a fucking asshole and I'm so fucking mad at him
The worst is that I've never been mad at someone (I think) but this guy manages to make me want to hit his stupid head with a bat
Wait, no, I take that back, that'd be very mean and probably not nice
At least I figured out who he is

Aurora almost breaks her pen in anger and tries not to damage her diary, especially since it's the only thing that entertains her. There are not many pages left though because she scribbled something in most of them out of boredom. Now she regrets it because she won't get a new one any time soon, Aurora is doomed. She's also hungry since she didn't eat breakfast or dinner and now her stomach is growling.

The auburn-haired girl has no idea when the next meal is supposed to come, the feeling of time left her a long time ago. Daring a glance to Loki's side, she sees the leftovers of his meal, he barely ate anything. If she wasn't so mad, she would be concerned about his well-being. The God of Mischief notices her longing look at the food and smirks.

"You seem to be starving." His comment surprises her, she assumed he wouldn't talk to her anymore. Her confusion disappears quickly though when she remembers what he is known for.

"Nope. Just trying out a new diet." She huffs and shrugs, folding her arms over her chest while she leans against the wall.

"A diet? If you say so." Loki raises a brow in the air and grabs some dark grapes, eating them slowly and gracefully with pleasure while he opens another book. Her blue eyes form into a glare as he gleefully rubs his luxury in her face, mocking her. How is somebody even able to eat grapes in such a gracious way??

"You're a dick." Aurora simply states, groaning in annoyance until she catches his fleeting grin. It was more genuine than any other smile that she had ever seen on him and for a moment, she forgets how angry she is and only thinks of the way his lips twitched up. Their argument suddenly appears very childish to her and she sighs, not knowing what to do.

Yet, it oddly feels relieving to be angry, to be something else but sad. Was that his intention? She would like to believe that and is also trying to convince herself to do so. Aurora needs to remain optimistic if she wants to survive this life in a cell, grief won't help to get through this. Looking at the lucky charm for Ophelia, a sad smile graces her lips. She did fail but she knows that she tried her best.

Loki watches her, committing every feature of her face into his memory, especially the sensitive pain in her eyes. Of course, he regrets his harsh words but not enough to actually apologize yet. Maybe with time, it would change. But right now, he is way too stubborn to say a word.


The cold water on Aurora's skin feels refreshing and she closes her eyes for a second, enjoying the amazingly clean feeling on her body. Unfortunately, she is not allowed to take a shower more than twice a week, this rule even concerns Loki due to a lack of trust. She is glad though that she doesn't share the same bathing hours like the others since she's the only female prisoner here.

Leaving the marble bathtub, Aurora grabs the towel and glances at her new clothes, Asgardian clothes. Nothing against the divine, green dress but all this garnishment and silk are so unnecessary for her, she misses her old leather style. Yet, it has started to be uncomfortable wearing the same clothes for like two weeks now. At least they gave her a dress that would match her hair, not every color fits to auburn.

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