31. Yearning

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"Do you actually ever work?" Happy frowns and Aurora shrugs. The two are sitting at their usual table again and the bodyguard actually drinks a coffee for once while the waitress is drawing on her notepad, bored as always.

"Nah, Matt's here and the café isn't crowded like last week, so it's probably fine. And don't mind Erin, she also yells at me when I actually work, so there's no difference." She responds carelessly and writes down her random thoughts that don't even make sense. Glancing at her notes, Happy frowns.

"What does 0371 mean?? Is that part of a phone number?"

"I don't know..." Her voice lowers and she's solemnly focused on the four numbers. 0371, why does it sound so familiar? "I have the feeling that these numbers are important and shouldn't be forgotten, like I always have to remember them."

"Code for a bank account?" He suggests and Aurora shakes her head firmly.

"No, there's more behind it. Ugh, I have no idea, my head is aching." Putting her notepad aside, she leans against her chair, throwing her head back and staring at the yellow ceiling. "I'm hungry, I should get some food. Maaaatt! I'm hungry!"

The blonde guy chuckles at Aurora's attitude. In comparison to Erin, he really likes her refreshing nature and appreciates the brightness she carries with her although he doesn't know anything about the pain she suffers from. "Your command is my wish, m'lady."

After a playful bow, Matt delivers the chocolate cake with cherries and Aurora's face lights up at the delicious dessert. "But wait, what about Erin? How many seconds do I have to eat this cake? I can make it in ten."

"Oh, god, no, don't ruin your stomach." He laughs at her determination and takes out his phone as he receives a notification. "I sent her to the grocery store on purpose, so you could eat the cake."

"Really? Aw, you're the best!" She smiles brightly and the boy slightly blushes at her compliment before he checks on his phone. Suddenly, he grabs the remote of the TV to turn it on which just makes Aurora frown. "Is something wrong?"

"I just got a news alert on my phone, set it up since the New York incident last year to stay tuned in case something happens." Matt explains quickly and he changes to the news channel while Happy reacts alarmed to the mention of Loki's invasion last year. It was really difficult to keep Aurora away from this knowledge and up until now it has worked. Obviously, she is confused right now.

"What New York incident?" Aurora only asks and this reminds the blonde that she doesn't remember anything.

"Well, last year- "

"Aliens invaded New York and it was a disaster but some people of a special group saved it. End of the story." Happy cuts him off and Aurora's eyes widen.

"Woah, what?! Oh, my god, that sounds crazy! Why didn't I know sooner about this??" It sounds absolutely insane but somehow real at the same time for her and Matt frowns at Happy's weird and oversimple description.

"Some people? The freaking Avengers saved the world from aliens. There's Iron Man, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America, Voltricity and the god Tho- "

"Oh, look at the news!" Happy once interrupts him again and points at the screen to avoid the name of the God of Thunder. This would be too dangerous for Aurora to remember and his mission would be a failure. Luckily, Matt only rolls his eyes at Happy's distraction and Aurora turns around to watch the news.

"The mystery about Captain America's and Voltricity's secret identity is finally solved! On their last mission in Washington D.C., the conflict ended on public ground and the helmet and hood got ripped off- to our surprise, it turned out that these are the exact same persons, Steve Rogers and Evelyn Farrell, who sacrificed their lives during World War Two. Apparently, both were frozen in the ice and were found just a month before the Manhattan incident. This makes them almost a hundred years old! What the government has to say about this will..."

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