25. Betrayal

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Loki's flight has felt like one horrible roller coaster, yet Aurora loves it and would do this little adventure all over again. The freedom is satisfying and makes her forget all the sad things and pain that have occurred lately, death accompanying her and Loki way too long.

Svartalfheim is one of the ugliest planets she has ever seen though, so dark and filthy, traces of war and destruction covering the planet. The dark sun shines upon them and the sky is clouded by a mysterious gray tone. After they defeat Malekith, Aurora will have to say goodbye to Loki and she doesn't know if she'll be able to do so.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Loki pipes up as he glances at Jane, while he flies the little aircraft. The brunette human is still lying down, weakened by the Aether in her.

"It would consume you." Thor only responds and places a blanket over Jane. Aurora meanwhile remains uncharacteristically silent, somehow feeling a tension rising. Despite being Loki's friend, she truly dislikes his obsession for power.

"She's holding up alright, for now."

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know." The heir to the throne defends her, not daring to think about her possible end.

"Say goodbye." Loki's demand surprises both, Thor and Aurora, and the auburn-haired girl doesn't understand his sudden mood change. He was charismatic and filled with anticipation whereas now he has grown cold and distant.

"Not this day." Thor shakes his head, his blue eyes attached to the brunette. A quiet wind is howling, Aurora's hair slightly flutters.

"This day, the next, a hundred years- it's nothing." His brother stands up, his voice firm and poisonous. "It's a heart beat. You'll never be ready. The only woman who's love you prised will be snatched from you."

Aurora's heart slightly cracks at his words and she glances at him with pain in her eyes, her lips pressed together. Is that what he also thinks of her? That she's only a fleeting moment until she dies and he will just live on? The traveller has never thought deeply about the future, her thoughts always circled around the here and now.

"And will that satisfy you?", Thor asks angrily.

"Satisfaction is not in my nature."

Thor's voice sharpens, "Surrender not in mine."

With a scoff, Loki just finds his brother's whole attitude ridiculous and he mocks Thor's entire exaggerated reputation of the perfect prince. "Son of Odin."

"No, not just of Odin!" The crown prince thunders and gets up to be on the same height as his problematic brother. "You think you alone who loved mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust!"

"Trust?" Loki's eyes almost seem to tear up, Thor has hit his weak spot. Aurora's eyes widen at Thor's bold words and she's about to barge in but then she lets it be, knowing that this is a family matter. Both brothers haven't talked sincerely like this for a long while. "Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?!"

"What help were you in your cell?!" Thor shouts back with fury.

"Who put me there?" He responds yelling and now rage laces his voice, repeating his question with more intensity. "WHO PUT ME THERE?!"

Thor loses his temper and grasps Loki, pushing him roughly against the side of the ship. "You know damn well! You know damn well!"

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