Chapter 5

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*still at the restaurant with Haha and Byul are spending their first morning meal together*

Byul is thinking something for awhile then she suggests it to Haha,

Byul: Oppa!!! How about we help Gary oppa and Jihyo unnie to being friends again so they won't fight anymore!!!

Haha: (almost chocked when he hears that) MWOH???? That's impossible!!! Don't you ever think about it (wiping his mouth)

Byul: Wae-yo??? (annoying)

Haha: This is not something only between them but related to both side families that I can tell we should let them be as they are!

Byul: (curious) This is also something I want to know. Oppa, what happened between you four that you guys are hating each other so much???

Haha: (thinks for a minute before he tells her) Ok, here is the story. From our father's generation that they were hated each other since the young age and it passed down to our generation!!

Byul: DAEBAK!!!! Do you know why?? (getting excited and wants to know more)

Haha: I heard my father said Jihyo and KwangSoo's father betrayed him and they could never be friends again. (being pretty serious)

Byul: AH~~~ Betrayal!!! I hate that thing too (acknowledge) But how did that related to the next generation???

Haha: Mola, that's what my father taught us right when we first started to gain memory!!!!

Byul: But I don't want to see all of you being this way, they are my respectful seniors. (sad)

Haha: Eh~~ you don't have to worry, it's not like we will see them often!! (doesn't care)

Byul: What you mean, Jihyo unnie is my unnie. I can't see her anymore because we are dating (raised her voice which startled Haha and the people around them)

Haha: A...ani....that's not what I mean. I mean we all are busy that we won't see each other that oftenly.

Byul: I don't care, I have to do something for them.... (determined)

Haha doesn't say anything that he's pretening to be focus on his eating.

Byul: OPPA!!!!!!

Haha: OH?!??!?!

Byul: Are you doing this with me or not??? (serious)

Haha: It's not like I don't want to.....

Byul: If they couldn't get along, same with our relationship!!! (clearly threatening Haha)

Haha: A...ah...of course...of course we have to help them...they shouldn't fight anymore...that's not good (being forced like he's crying inside)

Byul: So can you think of something that we can start out with??? ^+^ (her mood immediately brighten)

Haha: How about we plan a camping trip with them.....(discussing in more details)


Just like how they planned, a camping trip occurs a month later when everyone finally get some freetime from their schedule.

*Haha and Gary*

Haha: Hyung, it've been awhile that we go on a trip together. Do you remember when was the last time and where did we go??

Gary: We went to Singapore and about......3 years already!!!

Haha: Yah~~~ we were having so much fun last time, remember those hot girls we met in the club.

Gary: I was talking to you but they were looking at me the whole time we were there. (proud)

Haha: ㅋㅋㅋ hyung, your joke is so funny ㅋㅋㅋ

Gary: Yah, yah, yah!!!

Haha: Ok, back to our talking. Hyung! How about we go on a camping trip this weekend??

Gary: Camping? What is so fun about that?? (disliking it)

Haha: Ey~ hyung, come on!!! It's going to be fun!

Gary: Wait??!!! Are you planning something again? (being sharp, more careful that he got tricked once by Byul)

Haha: Aniyah~~ I just missing our bro-time together and because we never try something like camping before that I think we can have new experience this time!! Hyung, come on, let's go!!!

Gary: You got me!!!


*Jihyo and Byul*

Byul: Unnie, you free this weekend?

Jihyo: Wae-yo? You wanna go somewhere?

Byul: Oh! Do you wanna go camping?

Jihyo: Camping? (thinking) who is coming?

Byul:, me and KwangSoo!!!

Jihyo: What is so fun if only 3 of us are going?

Byul: Unnie, we are only staying there for a night, why you want some many people! Is there someone you want to invite along?

Jihyo: Ani, cuz usually camping would be more fun if you are going with a group of people.

Byul: Unnie, how about we treat it like a family camping trip!!

Jihyo: KwangSoo is coming also??

Byul: Ye, he said he will getting his schedule done from now.

Jihyo: Ok!!! Kaja!

Byul: Where are we going???

Jihyo: Going to the grocery store to buy mosquito repellent! My skin can't get bitten from them.

Byul: ㅋㅋㅋ wow!! I almost forget, kaja!!! ^0^

At the day of departure, Haha and Byul lead the others to the meet up location. Eventhough he got rejected by Byul last time that he still hoping to win her back. However his hope quickly vanishes to the thin air when he sees from a distance that Haha is walking this way with Gary. On the opposite side with Jihyo and the others that Gary finched right when he sees them from where they are right now.

Gary: Yah, what is this? I thought only bro-time in this trip!!! (disappointed)

Haha: You're are right hyung, but I didn't say only two of us!!!!

Gary: HA DONGHOON!!! >:0


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you!

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