Chapter 11

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His statement got Jihyo really embarrassed this time that she pushed him away and gets herself up angrily. Gary then quickly gets up and apologized to her that he's being over the line but Jihyo ignored him and walks out of the cave randomly to somewhere. Gary quickly follows her from behind and keep apologizing to her but she doesn't listen and keep walking faster, she peeks back to tell Gary to stop following her angrily. Accidentally she slipped on a rock and she falls to the ground, Gary panicky running over to see if Jihyo got hurted.

Gary: Jihyo ah~ gwaenchana? Did you get hurt anywhere? (panicky checking on Jihyo)

Jihyo: You get away from me (she's trying to standing up and pushes Gary away then she falls back down that she lost her balance) Ah~~~ (she got a pretty big bruise mark on her angle)

Gary: Yah~ gwaechana...(fearfully runs to her)

Jihyo: Stop acting like you care, stay away from me!!! (she still gets mad at Gary)

Gary: What are you saying? You got hurted, palli stay still and let's me take a look at it!!! (Gary gently touches on her angle)

Gary's looking so worry about Jihyo's wound that he offers her a piggyback that she can't walk anymore. Jihyo still seen to be pretty resisted, then Gary grabs her hand, support her standing and swings her on his back.

Jihyo: Yah, what are you doing?

Gary: Seem like you can't walk anymore that we need to get back as soon as possible for your treatment.

Jihyo: Who said I can't walk, you put me down hurry!! (still resisting)

Gary: Stop being silly!!! (raises his voice a little) This is not a time!!! (Jihyo startled and she's being pretty obedient after)

They heading to the sun's direction and hopefully to find a way back to the lake. They walk for awhile already that Jihyo can feels Gary's breathe is getting heavier, she worrily asking if he feel tired and they should take some rest. Gary's saying he's ok that they should keep moving or they will have to spend another night in the forest and maybe Haha called the police for searching them already. They shouldn't make them worry and by looking at the front that they can see the lake is not that far from them. At this time, Jihyo is feeling extra safe and secure on Gary's back that slowly she's resting her head on his shoulder without her realizing. Gary can't be happier that he could carrying Jihyo like this, she's enjoying the ride as much as he does. Without their knowing, the lake is slowly come to their vision and seeing their tents. Haha and Byul are talking with a police when suddenly Haha sees Gary and Jihyo from a distance and screaming their names. Gary and Jihyo also feel so alive that they finally found a way back and happy to see Haha and Byul again. Haha and the others quickly run toward Gary and Jihyo,

Haha: Hyung, when had you guys been? We were so worry, what happened??

Gary: Stop asking too much and help me to put Jihyo down. (exhausted)

Byul: Unnie, what happened to you? 0.0

Gary: She got injured on her angle!!

Haha and Byul helps Gary to put Jihyo down to the ground and the nurse is already presenting next to them to give Jihyo the first aid treatment. Gary worry checking on Jihyo that even Haha and Byul are sensing something is happening between Gary and Jihyo that they curious about. During the whole process that Jihyo's getting some treatments from the medical staffs that Gary's being by her side the whole time.

Police officer: Miss, do you need to go to the hospital?

Jihyo: No, thank you. I think I'm ok now!!! (her expression does get better)

Gary: Ani, you should to the hospital!!! (worrily suggesting) Do you have the ambulance ready? (to the others)

Jihyo: Jinja gwaenchana-yo!!!! I really don't need to.... >:(

Gary: Fine, but you must tell me whenever you feel unwell!!!

Jihyo: Alasso!!!

Haha and Buyl are observing them this whole time that they know for sure something had happened last night with Gary and Jihyo, and they decided to play some jokes on them and make them confess the truth. After Gary dismissed those people, Gary quickly walks back to Jihyo's side and still acting worry her wound. This time, Haha and Byul can't take it no more that they's standing there, grinning to themselves, quickly noticed by Jihyo.

Jihyo: (quickly slight pats on Gary's shoulder and whispers to him) Yah, stop being too worry about me that those two is looking at us weirdly.


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you!

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