Chapter 56

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Later that day, he called Haha and KwangSoo out for the drink. It is only Gary himself who drinking crazily with the two sitting there waiting for the talk, after awhile Haha breaks the silent.

Haha: Hyung, stop drinking too much to yourself. We are not here to watch you drink!

Gary: (hardly slammed the bottle of beer down the table) She made me promised to let JongKook off and now I can't lay a finger on him anymore. (half drunk)

KwangSoo: Hyung!!

Gary: Wae? Wae?? Why can't I do anything? If it wasn't of him, my baby wouldn't died. How much I wish he would get punished for his sin and I would put him in jail by my own hands.

Gary even drinks harder through his confession, Haha and KwangSoo doesn't stop him because they know this is the only way for Gary to feels better. Coincidentally, JongKook happened to be in the same club with them. Haha is the first one to spotted JongKook from a distance, seems like JongKook is talking to a man who older than him.

Haha: Oh?? Is that the guy named..Kim..Jong..Kook over there???

That man is leaving and JongKook respectfully bowed goodbye to him. The moment Gary heard Haha said JongKook's name, he standed up and searched everything for JongKook till he found him. Gary is drunk walking toward JongKook, he furiously pulled JongKook's collar up from the seat and shout at JongKook.

Gary: Why are you doing here? Don't you feel ashamed for the things you did??? You still have mood for partying?? How ridicious of you!!! 

Haha and KwangSoo are running up from bedind and trying to stop Gary for hurting JongKook, this whole time, JongKook doesn't say a word and just letting Gary does what he wants to. 

JongKook: Gary-ssi, you are drunk and I understand why you are drunk. I am so sorry for my mistake!!! (only lower his head)

Gary: Wae? You don't dare to talk to me in the eyes? You feel ashamed??? (still picking on JongKook)

JongKook apologized once more time before Gary punched JongKook on the face then Gary wrestled JongKook to the floor. 

Gary: You are sorry, what are you sorry for??? Do you understand the feeling of loss of loved one?? You know how a baby really meant to me and Jihyo??? How could you killed our angel!!! (screaming at JongKook) 

When Gary is trying to give JongKook another punch, KwangSoo got Gary's hand 

KwangSoo: GARY HYUNG, ENOUGH. Haven't you forgotten what you promised noona, do you want her to hate you?? Once you make the next move, there is no turning point!!! 

What KwangSoo said is really got Gary, he paused for a minute thinking for Jihyo's good. Then slowly he released JongKook for the fight. 

JongKook: Gary-ssi, I know that there is nothing I could do to repay my mistake. And the man you all saw just now are the hospital head resident, I just resigned my position with him and I am planning to leave Korea soon.

Gary: So you are running away, NO I WON'T LET YOU HAVE THAT CHANCE. I WILL FIND YOU GUILTY AND YOU WILL SPEND DAYS IN JAIL!!! (sounds like Gary is threatening JongKook)

JongKook: You misunderstood. I'm not running away from anyone or anything, I just think that am do not deserved to be a doctor anymore. I afraid that I might hurt Jihyo again so....I am keeping my distance away from her. Gary-ssi, I see no matter how many times I apologizy, it will not help to heal your pain of lost loved one and I would willing to exchange his life for the child if possible. (really sincere)

Gary is still looking down on JongKook, despited what JongKook truly said. 

JongKook: I would want you to keep everything tonight as secret from Jihyo, she doesn't need to know. And please take good care of her.

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