Chapter 37

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*Today is Gary's birthday, at his office*

Byul: Oppa, what do you want to eat for lunch today?

Gary: Anything (answering Byul while he is looking at some cases)

Byul: Ey~~~ You don't remember what is today?

Gary: *thinking* Any special occasion?

Byul: Today is your birthday!!!

Gary: Ah majayo, I totally forget about my birthday! (scratching his head)

Byul: You are working too hard these days. Haha oppa and I are planning to celebrate your birthday today at lunch, so you can save sometime tonight with Jihyo unnie.

Gary's smile quickly fade away when Byul mentioned Jihyo's name,

Byul: So any romantic plan for tonight?

Gary: Ani.

Byul: Eh? I thought you are going to celebrate it with Jihyo unnie tonight??

Gary: Mola...I'm so busy..and so does she (unhappy)

Byul: Stop working already, this will be your first birthday celebration with Jihyo unnie. Go out and have some fun with her.

Gary: go back to work palli. (with a little attitude telling Byul to leaves him alone)

Byul: Fine, I will make a reservation at the Thai restaurant for us this afternoon. (she walks out)

Gary doesn't feel like working anymore when Byul brought up Jihyo who he tried not to remember for awhile, he is just sitting and spinning his chair around when he received a message from JaeSuk.

*The message*

To: Gary

I make the seaweed soup for your birthday, be home tonight.

To: Abeoji


Jihyo sent a message to Gary beforehand to tell him about their romantic dating for his birthday, and she is planning to celebrate it at his apartment. Gary didn't read the message and he decides to meet JaeSuk at home. 


*At JaeSuk's house around 7pm* 

Haha just got home on time for the dinner, he is totally surprised to see Gary at home.

Haha: Yah hyung? Why are you here? 0.0

JaeSuk: Wae? Your brother can't be here? This is his home also.

Haha: is hyung's birthday right?

JaeSuk: Then why do you think I made the seaweed soup for? (yelling at Haha for asking dump question)

Haha hurriedly pulled Gary to one side and whispers to him,

Haha: Hyung, aren't you going to have a date with Jihyo tonight?

Gary: Huh? What are you talking about?

Haha: Byul got a text message from Jihyo and she is looking everywhere for you. You don't received her message.

Heard what Haha said, Gary quickly takes his phone out to check. There are 60 messages, 40 missed calls and more than half of it were from Jihyo. Gary takes a look at few last messages from Jihyo and realized that she had been waiting for him since this 5pm. Gary is feeling terrible when he found out the truth and he is trying to hide his expression from Haha.

Gary: I...I...remember of course but abeoji called me home so at least I have to be here for some time. (slightly pats on Haha's shoulder) I will see her later (assured Haha)

Gary is feeling so uneasy during the whole dinner with his family, the dinner last 2 hours later. Gary then excuses himself that he has important documents need to be finished and it is time for him to leaves, JaeSuk doesn't stop him that he knows Gary always busy. Gary drives back to his apartment is rush, he keep peeking on his watch once awhile. There is a small traffic on the way back, it takes longer than he expected. Finally, Gary reached his apartment in 30 minutes later, he hurriedly parks his car and runs to the elevator. He keep pressing to the elevator up button even it only takes about 2 minutes to arrived but Gary already feels like forever. He sneaks himself out of the elevator without waiting for the door open properly once it reached his floor, he quickly inserts the door key and gently opens it. The lights got turned off from the inside and only the candles are guiding his way, Gary slowly follows the candle lights when he see many heart shape balloons are on the floor. The light is becoming stronger when he comes to the dining table, there is his girl. She already fell asleep as she leaned to the table while she is waiting for him to come home, right next to her is the birthday cake with an un-lighted candle on the top. Without knowing, Gary feels guilty to lets Jihyo waited for so long and walks closer to her, he gently brushes her hair to the back so he can see more of her face. 

Gary's POV: Babo yah, why didn't you tell me!! (well, he did if he read the messages)

Gary softly leans closer and peeks a kiss on her cheek, he is only breaks away when he feels she is waking up.

Jihyo: (blurry vision at first) Oh oppa, you are home!!!

Gary: Mianne, I come back late!!! (guilty)


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you! 

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