Chapter 44

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During this whole time, Jihyo keep looking on her watch, hoping the time would go more faster, she started to get annoyed. Jihyo pumps into JongKook in the hallway but seen like she is out of her mind that she doesn't seen to see JongKook right in front of her. JongKook has to calls her few times before Jihyo realized who is talking to her. 

JongKook: Your face is so pale, gwaenchanayo?

Jihyo: I'm okay oppa. Maybe I got so tired from the past few days that I'm just not myself today. And where are you going right now? (changed the topic to shift JongKook's attention away from her condition)

JongKook: I'm bringing some patients' reports to the seniors.

Jihyo: Then you should go now, the seniors wouldn't like any late work. (pushing JongKook away)

JongKook: Okay, I'll see you around then. (walks away)

It's finally come to the off time, she quickly flies out of the hospital straight to the Q coffee shop where her and Byul used to meet up all the time. Jihyo is the first one to arrived there and order herself a cup of Americano, she is waiting impatiently for Byul. On the other hand, Byul is rushing to the meeting location when she got called back by Gary that she forgot to give him the last page of the document. Byul is flipping all over her table to looks for that page and hurriedly give it to Gary once she found it.

Gary: Wow, take it easy. Why are you rushing?

Byul: Can't talk right now oppa. I have an meeting with Jihyo unnie and I'm already 20 minutes late, I really have needs to go now. (rushing)

Gary: Jihyo???

By hearing Jihyo's name already makes Gary miss her already, because the two haven't meet for several days already that he is hunger for her scent. 

Byul: Do you need me to do anything else??

Gary: No! You can go now.

Byul: Then I'll see you tomorrow. (bows goodbye to Gary and runs the energy out of her to the meeting location)

Counted the time by Byul's arrival to the coffee shop, she's 30 minutes late. She keep apologizing to Jihyo that something came up at the very last moment that it took her so long to come. Jihyo doesn't seen to mind for Byul's late arrival that she kindly asked what would Byul like to drink, Byul feel even more nervous by Jihyo's behavior because she usually won't let things go this easy. After Byul catched her breath, she is ready to hears what Jihyo wanted to say, Jihyo hesitated a little before she lets the words come out of her mouth then suddenly the waitress brings over Byul's drink. They wait until the waitress walks away before they continue their conversation, Byul quickly takes a gulp of her juice as she is focusing on what Jihyo is going to say. 

Jihyo: Byul ah, I'm not sure....but...........I think..................I maybe pregnant...........@~@

Byul chocked by hearing the word "pregnant" and she asked for more details about the accident.

Byul: Mwoh-ra-go [what did you say]? Are you sure? Did you check?

Jihyo: Mola!! (feel like she wants to cry)

Jihyo remembered the last time she did that with Gary was several days ago in the club and later she forgot to take the pill.

Byul: Unnie, just my curiosity.....oppa didn't used protection?

Jihyo: No, not that night. @///@

Byul: Oh....eo-tteo-hkae [what to do]??? What are you planning to do? Does Gary oppa know about it?

Jihyo: Ani, I haven't seen the doctor yet.

Jihyo is being really confused right now, she doesn't know what to do, things are messed up when her career is only started. She still haven't take the pregnancy test yet, she afraid if it will be positive that she doesn't know how to bring herself to accept the truth, to face her family. 

Byul: Make up your mind quickly, this is not something can be delayed. The more you wait, the more depressing it is. Wow, if your father found this out, he would kill you for sure. (scaring Jihyo)

Jihyo: Yah, ha-ji-ma!

Gary is calling at the wrong timing when the girls are trying hard to finding a solution, suddenly Jihyo got nervous when she see Gary's name on the screen of her phone.

Jihyo: Oh oppa. (trying to sound calm)

Gary: Jihyo-ah, are you free tonight, oppa want to see you. I have been missing you so bad. 

Jihyo: I'm free, you can come over to Q coffee shop. I'm here with Byul.

Gary: Keudae-yo, I'll be over in few minutes. (hanged up)

Jihyo tells Byul that Gary is coming to pick her up, just in time Byul is texting Haha and planning to meet up right after she is done with Jihyo. Byul doesn't leave right away, she stays to accompany Jihyo until Gary comes. Not long after, Gary arrived. He walks in the coffee shop to the girls' table, he greets his girlfriend with a check kiss as a prior thing everytime he see her then he takes a sit next to Jihyo. 


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you! 

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