Chapter 47

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Gary breaks through the bathroom's door and panicky asking what is happening, seeing Jihyo who is frozen with the tester on her hand. Gary slowly approaches to Jihyo and asked how is the test turned out, Jihyo slowly and turned to face Gary with her shocking expression. Gary is paying fully attention to what Jihyo is going to say, 

Gary: So how is the result come out??? Positive or negative?? (nervously asking)

Jihyo: Oppa~~~~ PREGNANT!!! ^0^ (lets out a broadly smile and tells him that the result is negative)

She jumps up to Gary and hugs him tightly, she Is so happy that the accident didn't happen and now they don't have to worry about it. On the other side, Gary is in a little state of disappointed to hears the news of Jihyo is not pregnant. Jihyo can tells his disappointment when she breaks the hug.

Jihyo: What is with that face oppa? You should feel happy that nothing happened!!

Gary: But...but...I thought...... (can't hide his shocking expression)

Jihyo: (places both her hands on Gary's face and making him to looks at her) Oppa, we still have many chances, why so rush??? When our relationship come to light, you can have as many kids as you want. We are working on it!!! (comforting Gary)

To make up Gary's sadness, they make another passionate love making session that night before the dawn breaks. Gary is back to his office a little early because he has to drove Jihyo to works, Byul reports to work at the usual time but she is surprised to see Gary is being unusual early today with his head hanging on to the chair. She thinks Gary might know the issue from Jihyo that she is also worry for them. She slowly approaches to his office, knocks the door.

Gary: Oh Byul-ah!

Byul: Oppa, gwaenchanayo?

Gary: Uhm......Dwae-sseo [fine]. (brushing his head, seems to be more peaceful than she expected)

Byul: Don't stress yourself out too much oppa, every problem has a solution. 

Gary: Huh??? (he doesn't know what Byul is talking about, thinking what is Byul wants to ask him). 

Byul: Ey~ stop pretending oppa. I knew it already, about the baby.

Gary: Ah....(now he got it)

Byul: So what are you going to do? When will you tell your family? 

Gary: Wow, wow...slow down little missy. You misunderstood something, Jihyo isn't pregnant!! 

Byul: Wmoh???? 0.0 but...Unnie...said.....

Gary: When did you got the news from her?

Byul: Yesterday,

Gary: She only did the test last night and it said negative! (can't hide his disappointment) I really wish she was pregnant you know. X(

Byul: Mianne oppa. You will get over it. (comforting Gary)


To the next several days Gary and Jihyo don't have any private time to spend with each other, they are being so busy at work and tired after that they don't have energy left to get out of the house, they can only text each other sometimes to catch up with their daily activities. Another day in the hospital while Jihyo is visiting her patient when suddenly she feels like she wants to throw up, an on-duty nurse with her noticed Jihyo is being unwell.

The nurse: Dr. Song, gwaenchanayo? You don't look so good.

Jihyo: I'm fine, thanks for asking! (reassured the nurse)

Jihyo confirmed her health condition to the nurse but then she wants to throw up again, the nurse tells her to goes get some rest and she can calls another doctor over. Jihyo then apologized to the patient and excused herself from the visit to the break room. On her way there that she is feeling she needs to vomit this time for real, she quickly runs to the women's restroom in front of her. Jihyo vomits like she never did before, then she is standing weakly in front of the sink, washing her face.

Jihyo's POV: Wmoh-yah?? What is wrong with me? I did ate no bad food! (touching her chest and belly)

She thinks litte then she starts to count something with her fingers, then she slightly touches her stomach again. She wants to going crazy if this time is true. She tiredly takes a seat on the bench, her hands are holding tight and shivering crazily. JongKook just comes to the hallway when he sees Jihyo and runs to her, 

JongKook: Are you feeling better, I keep looking for her everywhere. I heard nurse Choi said that you were not doing well while you paid the visit. (worry asking)

Jihyo's face is turning pale which worried JongKook even more. 

Jihyo: Oppa, what if this time is real. What should I do??? I just checked several days ago and it was negative but now it seems like it. What if it is real this time....(fearing, can't stop talking)

JongKook: What are you talking about?

Jihyo fixed her watery eyes on JongKook while she slowly places her hand on her belly, something hard like rock just hits JongKook's ears, his eyes opened widely staring at Jihyo. 

JongKook: You are kidding right?!?!

Jihyo: Oppa, do I look like it? (serious face)

JongKook: Does he know about it?? Did you check???

Jihyo: Uhm, I told him last time when I thought I was pregnant and I tested it at home.

JongKook: What did he say?

Jihyo: He promised to take the responsibilities. (feels proud)

JongKook: (lets out an assured sigh) He is truly a man. (satisfied)

Jihyo: What should I do oppa?

JongKook: Check it with a maternity doctor this time, don't do those home test again.

Jihyo: But...(confused)

JongKook: I know your concern...(thinks for awhile) How about this, I have a friend who is a maternity doctor and he has his own clinic at D district. Do you think it's okay? (not waiting for Jihyo to thinks) I will call him and help you make an appointment today, he is someone you can trust Jihyo ah. (already pressing on his phone's screen)

Jihyo: Oppa...(feeling thankful)

JongKook: Eventhough we have not confirm about the baby but you have to be careful from now.

Jihyo: Alasso.


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you!

Oh My Gary!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat