Chapter 54

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JongKook immediately looks for that 2F-3 surgery room, his heart keep praying for the safety of that woman and the baby. After searching for awhile, JongKook finally found that surgery room at the right corner of the hallway, he even running faster toward that direction. JongKook see someone is waiting hopelessly outside the surgery room,

JongKook: Excuse me, are you waiting for.......@0@ (JongKook almost falls to the floor when he recognized who that man is) why...why...why are you here???

Gary immidiately jumped up from his seat, slammed JongKook to the wall and holds on to JongKook's collar,

Gary: KIM JONGKOOK, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!! IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO JIHYO AND THE BABY, I WILL KILL YOU!!!! (he got the fire in his eyes, screaming at JongKook)

JongKook: Jihyo??? You mean Jihyo was that pregnant woman crashed in the accident??? (totally in shocked)

Gary: You still don't realize of what you did!!! (angry tone and releasing JongKook) shame on you.

JongKook: .......I'm sorry,...

Gary: (cutting JongKook off) Don't tell me that, say it to Jihyo when she comes out!!! (released him)

JongKook likes he lost his soul, slowly he slided himself down to the floor. His face turned pale, his mouth is shivering. His mind is spinning around, he just can't think properly, he thought his heart would stopped beating. Just when JaeSuk, SukJin, Haha, Byul and KwangSoo arrived at the hospital with only knowing a brief inform from Gary earlier over the phone. Everyone immediately throws a series of questions to Gary,

SukJin: What happened to Jihyo?

JaeSuk: We got here after we received your call without any futher information.

KwangSoo: How is noona, how is the baby?

Haha: Hyung, say something!

Byul: Everyone calm down, calm down. Let Gary oppa has his words!

Gary: Jihyo got hit by a car when we were just about to head home from our date, she was waiting for me at the sidewalk while I went to get the car. They wheeled her into the surgery room once we got here and...*sigh* still no news from the doctor yet! (then he turned to stare at JongKook who is still holding himself on the floor, everyone followed Gary's glare with a question about the glare). 

Abruptlly, a nurse runs out of the operation room,

The nurse: Who is the family of Song Jihyo?

Gary: Me!! I'm her fiance, how is she, how is the baby?

The nurse: There is no time to delay, she lost a lot of blood and I need you to come with me because Ms. Song is asking for you, please follow me this way. (in hurry)

Everyone's heart dropped as the nurse brought them the bad news, begging the nurse to save Jihyo and the baby. Gary assured everyone that he won't let anything happen to Jihyo and the baby, then he left with the nurse. Gary get dressed with the surgical gown before he go in the actual operating room, Jihyo's slim figure slowly comes to his vision, clearer and clearer. She is struggling on the surgical table, her forehead is covered in heavy sweat, tears are falling nonstop down her face, her fist is squeezing hard by holding onto the metal holders on the sides, she is screaming in pain. The image in front of his eyes broke Gary's heart into thousand of pieces to see what his loved woman is going through. Everyone outside is praying, waiting impatiently for the news, KwangSoo who is still doesn't know anything about the accident, naively goes to JongKook and asked for information.

KwangSoo: Hyung, do you know who got noona into this?

JongKook doesn't say anthing, he only lower his head with guilt. He doesn't know how to face SukJin and KwangSoo once they find out it was his fault that Jihyo and her baby are in danger right now. Back into the operating room, Gary quickly runs to Jihyo's side, takes a hold of her hand

Oh My Gary!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz