Chapter 23

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Without any excitement keep him motivated to looking forward to tonight, Gary quickly gets back to work, he wants to finish as much as he can today. Without his knowing the time tik tok goes by, when Gary peeks a look at his watch, it's already 5:45pm. Gary urgency grabs his jacket, wallet, keys, phone and flies out of his office to L restaurant. Jihyo is already there for 30 minutes and keep checking on her watch, looking at the entrance waiting for Gary's arrival. Gary's rushing into the restaurant which immediately spotted by Jihyo, she quickly stands up, waving at Gary. Gary sees Jihyo and quickly walks over without waiting for the host assistance.

Gary: Mianne I'm late. I too focused to work that I forgot the time.

Jihyo: Gwaenchana, let's order the food first :)

A waiter walks over to takes the order, Gary and Jihyo order their favorite meals. 

Gary: So how are you doing lately? 

Jihyo: You know, we never get rest in the hospital, one of the most busy places on earth. Sometimes I think I choosed the wrong occupation. 

Gary: Ey~ you choosed it right. It's not easy for anyone to be a doctor, you should be thankful for that.

Jihyo: Then how about you?

Gary: Me? Well, same here. Pretty stressful everyday! My dad always complained that I never had dinner with him lately.

Jihyo: Keudae-oh! Is he doing fine?

Gary: Who?

Jihyo: Your father!!!

Gary: Oh, he's doing very well as long as he doesn't meet your fath....mianne..

Jihyo: It's ok, I understand. It's the same with my father, he's good until someone mentions your father's name... :)

Gary: They are aged up to almost 100 years old but still can't get over the childish fight.

Jihyo: Ma-ja-yo!!!

When Jihyo's about to ask the next question, the waiter brings their orders over and cut off the conversation that they both are hungry and busy filling up their stomach. Happiness time goes by fast, their dinner only last for an hour and a half, as Jihyo promised that she will pay the bill. Gary politely thanks her for the delicious food then they walk out of the restaurant.

Gary: Do you want me to fetch you home or you're good on your own?

Jihyo: *looking at the sky* It's still early that I don't want to go home yet, you have other thing to do?

Gary: Still need to finish some paperwork in the office and I'm going back there!

Jihyo: Do you think you can save the work for later cuz I know there is a music festival at L park tonight with free admission fee.

Gary: Jinja, should we go there? 

Jihyo: Uhm~! KAJA! :D

They arrived at the park's parking area few minutes later, in front of them, many people is walking toward the park entrance. The festival seems so fun that Jihyo got excited already, Gary's locking his car while Jihyo is overwhelmed with excitement. Jihyo quickly pull him with her to one of the stages where a band is performancing "Baek JiYoung-That Woman". The song just like how Jihyo's feeling right now, unknowingly the words escape from her mouth 

Jihyo: Should I also confess my feeling??? (in her own world)

Gary: Wmoh? What did you just said?

Jihyo: Eh?? Ani, I didn't say anything! (life reduced 10 years)

As they are enjoying few more songs, Jihyo can see that Gary's keep looking at his watch like it's almost time for him to leave. 

Jihyo: *looks at her watch* look like it's time for us to go (forces out a smile)

Gary: Should we?

During the walk back to the parking lot, 

Gary:  Tto [again] gomawo for the meal, I enjoyed it a lot.

Jihyo: Aniyo, as long as you like the food!

Gary: So where do you want me to drop off?

Jihyo: Can you drop me off somewhere near my house?

Gary: Of course!

During the trip, they don't say anything that Gary's feeling really awkward between them. He turns the radio on, trying to light up the atmosphere right now. In awhile, they arrived somewhere in Jihyo's neighborhood. To avoiding confliction if SukJin see Gary and Jihyo are being together that Gary stopped his car in front of the grocery, 2 blocks away from Jihyo's house. 

Gary: We're here! (not hearing any response from Jihyo that he turned to her) Jihyo, Jihyo ah (waking her up as she's being mong)

Jihyo: Ah ne?

Gary: We're here!!! 

Jihyo: Thank you for the ride!! 

Jihyo hesitated while she's speaking and clumsyily opened the door. Gary is kind enough to wait for Jihyo to walks in her house before he drives off.

Jihyo's POV: Yah, Song Jihyo, neo jinja babo-yah, why didn't you tell him. This maybe your last time to see him already!!! (blaming herself)

Seeing this maybe the last chance she could see him privately, she stops walking and turned over and runs toward Gary's car. 

Gary: (presses down the rear window) Waeyo? You forgot something?

Jihyo quickly gets back in the passager seat, takes a deep breath before she lets the words out of her mouth by saying

Jihyo: Kang Gary, I think I like you!!! (her face got redden and she's breathing heavily)


Sorry for my english grammar. Please do support my works by posting your comments. Thank you!

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