30 | Last Day

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Happy 30th chapter!!! Thanks for everything you guys!

If This Is Love: 30 | Last Day
| Laura Renae |

| The Next Morning (July 23rd, 2017) |

Getting up wasn't hard without waking up Ross. We woke up on opposite sides of the bed, which is usually the case, and I was closest to the edge like always. I took a quick shower, put jeans and a sweatshirt on, ate a quick bagel with cream cheese, and was on my way with my sleeping boyfriend unharmed. Once I got to the university, I was about twenty minutes early and went to my councilors anyway. We didn't say much, I just told her I felt completely ready and reminded her I wasn't starting school until the new year. And yes, I knew waiting until January to start school may kick my ass when the time comes, but I have so much going on in my life right now that I just need to take a whole semester off. She totally agrees, as long as I contact her my classes I'm taking before registering for them. She hands me my stack of papers, aka my finals.

I make my way towards my assigned empty classroom where I'll be taking all four of my finals, which isn't the actual finals date since I'm taking these a weekish early. I just have to sit in a small classroom by myself with my phone on the teachers desk. It took a little over an hour for the first one, around forty minutes for the second one, another hour for the third, and about forty-five or fifty minutes for the last time. It was close to one by the time I went back to my counselors office and handed my stack to her. Once I'm seated in my car, I let out a deep breath and smile. I know I did great. I then turn my phone on, seeing a few texts from everyone.

From Mommy💃🏻❣️:
Good luck on your finals! I'm so proud of you
and I know you'll do great! Love you and let
me know when you're done

From Darth Delly🦄🎹:
Ahhhhhh!!!! Good luck on your finals!!! I know
you'll ace them!

From Daddio🕺🏻💚:
Good luck on your finals! Mom and I want to take
you out for dinner tonight to celebrate. Your
boyfriend is invited as well

From Mama Storms💖:
Mark and I wish you luck on your finals! We both
know you'll ace them!

From Big Bean😋💛:
Good morning! Good luck on your finals, bean.
I believe in you and I know you'll do great. I
love you and text me or call me when you're
done <3

From Big Brotha🥁:
Good luck! Ross is talking up an ear about how
proud he is of you

From Captain Jack☠️:
Good luck on your finals! -me, Rocky and Ryland

From Sexy Sav😜:
A little birdy told me your finals were today! GOOD

From Lady Lexa💋:
Good luck on your finals, babe! xxx

From Vivid Vanni👩🏻‍🎨:
Good luck today! 100% positive you'll do great! xxx

Sighing, I reply back to every. Single. One.

To Vivid Vanni👩🏻‍🎨:
Thank you! xxx

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