Chapter 2

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*Bella's POV*

THE Harry Styles just asked me out. On a date. I'm dying inside.

"Sure," I said, "I would really like that."

He smiled and said, "Great how about tomorrow night I know it's a week night but it's summer so umm..."

"Tomorrow sounds great."

He smiled and blushed and said, "How about dinner, I know this amazing place. You can text me your address and I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds great," I said looking at my phone seeing that it was already 4:30, I looked at Julia and said, "Julia we better get going we have to get home in time for dinner."

Harry looked disappointed, "You have to go already?"

I nodded, "My mom is making dinner so I better get home."

"Okay," he said, "I can't wait for tomorrow."

I blushed and said, "Me neither."

Julia and I went to get our bags when Louis yelled, "Wait we need to take some pictures!" The boys gave him a we've been talking to them for hours look that made him say, "What they are fans."

After Julia and I took pictures with all of the boys Harry came up to me and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, I almost passed out.

Once Julia and I fought through the crowd of girls, with Paul's help, we made it to my car, put everything in the back seats and climbed in.

She looked at me and said, "We just met One Direction. You have a date with Harry Styles."

"Wow" I said.

"Yeah," she replied, "wow.

That night dinner with my older brother, Jake, my mom, my dad, and Julia did not end up working out the best.

My mom asked me if I had any plans for tomorrow.

"Actually," I said, "I have a date tomorrow."

"With who?" she asked.

"Harry Styles." I said blushing.

"Do you mean that boy from that band you like so much?" she asked skeptically.

"Yes I met him at the mall today and he asked me out." I answered calmly.

"Bella he is too old for you. You are a senior and he's out of high school. You're 17 and he is how old 21?"

"Mom," I said, "Harry's 20 I'm almost 18 it's not a big deal. Dad is like 5 years older than you."

My mom looked at my dad and said, "Adam do approve of this?"

"Lisa," my dad said, "I'm fine with it Bella can handle her self just fine and she does have a point that I'm 5 years older than you. Bella when Harry gets here though I want to meet him."

I got up and walked over to my dad, knowing that this conversation was over, and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek saying, "Thank you Dad and I will make sure you meet him before we leave."

I took Julia home then went back to my house and put on a white tank top and black yoga capri pants.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Harry.

From Harry:

Hello love I can't wait for our date are your parents okay with you going out with me?

To Harry:

I'm can't wait either and my mom is more worried about it than my dad he said he wants to say hi to you before we leave though

I hit send and added my address, he texted back pretty quick.

I Ran Into Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now