Chapter 32

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*four weeks later*

Bella's POV

I woke up early in the morning having sharp pains in my stomach. Something wasn't right. I got up and went downstairs to get a drink of water.

I didn't know what to do, but the pain was starting to scare me. Another wave of pain hit me and this time I couldn't help but cry out. Thankfully the kids are sound sleepers.

But evidently Anne isn't, she came running down the stairs and asked me why I screamed. "I keep having these sharp pains in my stomach, it almost feels as if I'm going into labor."

"Bella, I think we need to take you to the doctor." Anne said.

"Okay." I said wanting to make sure the baby is alright.

"You go get your thing and I'll wake Gabe up and tell him to watch the kids." Anne told me and I went upstairs.

Anne's POV

I was very worried that Bella was going into labor or something so I went up to Gabe's room and woke him up.

"Gabe, wake up." I said shaking him.

"Grandma?" he asked tiredly.

"Gabe I need to to listen. I'm taking your mum to the hospital and I need you to watch the kids when they wake up."

"Is mum and the baby okay?" he asked worried.

"I'm not sure, that's why we're going, I'll call you as soon as we know something." I told him.

Bella's POV

I quickly changed and grabbed my phone then went downstairs and waited for Anne. "I talked to Gabe, he's going to watch the kids, let's go." Anne said conning down the stairs.

We went out to the car and Anne drove me to the hospital. "How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes, my daughter in law is experiencing sharp pains in her stomach like she is having contractions." Anne said.

"Okay, please follow me." the lady said and led us into a private room.

My doctor was in another wing in the hospital so they called her in and she decided to run some test.

"Bella, do you want me to call Harry?" Anne asked before I went back.

"No, I will once I'm finished, maybe then we'll know more."

After the doctors ran their tests Dr.Shay came in and said, "Mrs.Styles you are going into premature labor so we are going to admit you, and I am putting you on some medicine to help the baby develop faster and to hopefully stop the contractions."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my little baby was coming sooner rather than later and I'm only twenty nine weeks along.

They quickly got me settled into my own private room and started an IV with the medicines. I asked Anne for my phone so I could call Harry.

"Hello?" I heard him answer in his morning voice.

"Harry, sorry I didn't mean to wake you, but I'm in the hospital."

"Why, are you okay, is the baby okay?" he asked worried.

"I'm going into premature labor."

"What does that mean, can they stop it?" he asked.

"They are giving me medicine to make the baby develop faster and some medicine to stop the contractions."

"I'll be there later today, I'm leaving now."

"Harry they aren't going to let you leave."

"Everyone is asleep, I call them when I'm with you. I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said and hung up.

Gabe's POV

After mum and grandma left I couldn't fall back asleep so I sat up anxiously waiting for a phone call. As soon as my phone started to ring I grabbed it since it was my grandma.

"Is mum okay?" I asked.

"Your mum is point into premature labor, and the doctors have to keep her in the hospital so she can have some medicine to help the baby grow faster."

"Will mum and they baby be okay?" I asked her.

"Your mum will be fine, but if the baby is born now we aren't sure what will happen."

"Does dad know?" I asked.

"Yes, he's own his way home now so I need you to watch the kids until your dad gets here then I'll come and help."

"Okay, call me if anything happens." I said and hung up.

I heard crying come from Colin's room so I left my room and quickly went down the hall to his room.

"Don't hurt me!" he yelled and flailed around in his sleep.

Mum and dad told me that Chloe and Colin's old dad abused them and they sometimes have nightmares about it.

"Colin." I said gently shaking him.

"No!" he yelled.

"Colin. Wake up." I said shaking him again, this time succeeding.

"Gabe." he cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay, it was just a dream." I told him.

"Where's mum?" he asked me.

"Buddy, mum doesn't feel well so grandma took her to the doctor." I said.

"She be okay?" Colin asked me.

"I'm sure mum and the baby will be just fine." I told him and then I heard Annie start crying, probably from hearing Colin.

"Colin, go brush your teeth and then wake up Chloe and we will go downstairs for breakfast."

I went to Annie's room and saw her sitting in her bed crying. "Annie, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I heard Colin cry and mommy not home."

"Mommy doesn't feel well, so grandma took her to the doctor?"

"Daddy coming home?" she asked like every morning.

"Yes, daddy is on his way to be with mommy."

"Yay!" she said.

"Let's go ear breakfast." I said picking her up.

Harry's POV

I quickly gathered most of my things from my hotel room knowing that the lads would bring the rest back when the left the states.

Right when I was about to leave the hotel room I heard Louis say, "Where are you going?"

With turning around I said, "I'm going home, Bella is in the hospital going into premature labor."

"If anyone wakes up I'll cover for you at least until you're out of the states." he said.

"Thanks Louis." I said and left the hotel with one thought on my mind, I need to be with Bella.

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