Chapter 34

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Bella's POV

While Harry was gone I decided to try to read but before I knew it he rushed back through the door and quickly attached his lips to mine.

"Why didn't you tell me you were so upset while I was gone?" he asked when he pulled away.

"Because I know you would've jumped on a plane and flew home."

"And what would've been so bad about that?" Harry asked.

"Because I love it when you come home, but when you do it always means a goodbye is on it's way." I said.

"I'm sorry, I know how you hate goodbyes."

"It's okay, we are together now."

Harry's POV

My phone rang and I looked down, it was Simon, "Bella, it's Simon I should take this."

I stood and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Harry, is what Louis said true? Is Bella having the baby?"


"The rest of the tour is canceled then, you are going to stay home with your family and the boys are coming back."

"Okay, thanks Simon."

"You're welcome Harry, I wish the best for you and your family right now." Simon said and hung up.

I turned around and Bella's face was scrunched up in pain.

"Bella, what's wrong?"

"Just another contraction. That one was stronger than the others, she's coming."

"We need to think of a name." I said.

"Yes we do, any ideas?"

"I don't know." Bella said.

"How about Harper?" I asked.

"I love that, middle names?" Bella said.

"Louise? Harper Louise Styles?"

"I think we have her name." Bella said and then her face paled.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"My water just broke, I need you to go get the doctor."

I ran out into the hall and saw Bella's doctor coming out of a room and I ran down the hall to her, "My wife's water just broke."

"Let's go." the doctor said walked down the hall to Bella's room.

"Mrs.Styles we are going to get you into the special delivery room and prep you for labor." the doctor said calling a nurse.

I grabbed Bella's hand and started walking alongside her hospital bed when a nurse handed me a pair of scrubs and said I had to wear them.

I quickly changed and got back to Bella. The nurses and doctors kept coming into the delivery room to be ready to whisk Harper off to the NICU.

"Mr.Styles, we need to know your daughters name for the hospital bracelet."

"Harper Louise." I said.

Soon Bella was gripping my hand in pain, and before I knew it I saw a very tiny baby be taken back to the NICU.

The nurse took Bella and I back to her room and then a new doctor came in, "Hello, I am Dr.Green. I specialize in the car of premature babies and I will be watching over your daughter."

"Why aren't you with her now, is she okay?" I asked him.

"Right now she is stable, we have a team of our best doctors and nurses watching her and doing test while I talk to you. Your daughter, Harper, correct?" he asked and I nodded.

"Harper weighs one pound and is eleven inches long. That is slightly smaller than the average premature baby born at twenty six weeks, two days."

"So what do we know, is she going to be okay?"

"I cannot fully answer that question because I honestly do not know right now. Your daughter is technically half developed, she can not breathe by herself yet, and from what we can tell so far, her kidneys are not working as well as they should. If her kidneys and her lungs don't start working soon, it won't be good."

"Okay, when will we know more?" I asked.

"Since it is late, probably in the morning when we will have more test results."

"Okay, thank you." I said and he left.

Bella yawned and I kissed her forehead, "Go to sleep Bella, I'm going to call the boys and both our parents."

"Okay, I love you Harry."

"And I love you." I told her and she fell right asleep.

I called Bella's mum first and explained everything that had happened and then I called my mum.

"Harry, is everything okay?" she asked as soon as she answered.

"Bella had her, she's in the NICU."

"How is she?"

"We don't know just yet, she smaller than she should be at this age, she can't breathe by herself, and her kidneys aren't working perfectly."

"Harry, she is your daughter, she will be the strongest baby that has ever been in the NICU."

"I hope your right mum." I said and hung up, I just couldn't talk about Harper right now.

I Ran Into Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now