Chapter 3

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*Bella's POV*

My date with Harry was great, I can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. I went up stairs, changed, took my makeup off, and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up about 10am to the California sun shining through my window and had a text from Harry.

From Harry:

Good morning Beautiful, text me when you wake up xxxx

To Harry:

Good morning Handsome what's up?

From Harry:

Do you have any plans today?

To Harry:

No did you have something in mind?

From Harry:

Nothing I'm all yours we can just hang out or something

To Harry:

That sounds great where?

From Harry:

I don't the boys are at the hotel so we could have a day out on the town I haven't really been able to see much of LA

To Harry:

That sounds great what time?

From Harry:

I'll pick you up around 11? We can go get lunch then be tourists for the day?

To Harry:

I'll see you at 11 Handsome

From Harry:

I'll see you then Beautiful

I sat my phone down and walked downstairs where my mom was putting dishes in the dishwasher. She handed me a plate with some waffles on it and I sat down at the breakfast bar and started eating.

"How was your date?" my mom asked.

"It was amazing Harry was the perfect gentle man after dinner he took me to this little park and asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Bella are you sure that's a good idea I just don't know I mean he lives in another country. And he'll be touring, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Mom I'll be fine. Harry's picking me up at 11 to hang out for the day."

"You better get ready then you have thirty minutes."

I walked upstairs to my room and jumped in the shower really quick when I got out I blow dried my hair and put on a pair of light blue jean shorts with a white tank that said LA and found my white Converse.

I grabbed a brown cross body purse and put all of my stuff in it when the doorbell rang I took my time knowing my mom would answer the door.

When I got downstairs I could tell Harry had won my mom over by the way she was acting. She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "You were he's a nice boy."

I smiled and he took my hand and led me to his car. Once we were in the car he leaned over and kissed me. He said, "Where do you want to go for lunch?"

"Wherever." I said. He drove to a small cafe a few miles from my house.

Thankfully there was only one older couple there so no one would recognize Harry.

We sat down and ordered and Harry said, "Bells I want to tell you that dating me is going to be a pain."

"What do you mean, Harry?" I asked.

I Ran Into Harry StylesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt