Chapter 31

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Bella's POV

Soon it was time for my ultrasound to find out if I was having a boy or a girl. I drove to the doctor and signed myself in.

"Bella Styles." the nurse soon called me back.

I walked into the dark room, got onto the table, and pulled my shirt up exposing my small baby bump to the cold air.

"Would you like to find out what you are having?" Dr.Shay asked me and I nodded.

"Congratulations, you are having a baby girl." the doctor said.

I smiled at the thought of another beautiful baby girl growing inside my me. Dr.Shay wiped my stomach off for me and I left and went home.

I dialed Liam so he could start setting everything up. "Liam, yup I found out, we are going to need pink balloons and a box."


I sat up the laptop in the dining room and waited for Harry to come online.

"Is the baby a boy or girl?" Harry asked as soon as he popped up on the screen.

"Hello you too." I said.

"Sorry, hi." Harry said smiling sheepishly.

"Hi, now I need you to to go to the main room in the hotel suite and take the laptop." I told him.

"Why?" he asked me clearly confused.

"Do you want to know what the baby is or not?" I asked him and he quickly picked up his laptop and ran out to the room where the rest of the lads were.

"Harry, give your laptop to Niall so he can set it up." I said and Harry did as I asked.

"Harry, come stand next to the box." Liam told him and once again Harry listened.

"Now in this box, there are balloons, pink means it's a girl, blue means it's a boy, understand?"

"I get it, now let me open the box." Harry said impatiently.

Liam moved back and let Harry open the box. Pink balloons came flooding out of the box and the look on Harry's face was priceless.

"We are having a girl?!" he screamed.

"Yes we are sweetheart." I replied smiling at him.

The boys congratulated him and once he finally calmed down we said our good byes.

Gabe's POV

I decided to listen to mum and ask Kat if she would like to hang out or something.

"Hello?" I heard her answer.

"Hey Kat, it's Gabe."

"Hi Gabe, what's up?" she asked.

"I was just wondering if you would maybe like to go see a movie with me or something ?" I asked her nervously.

"Yeah, that sound great, what time?"

"This afternoon, I'll met you at the theater."

"Okay, bye." she said.


Bella's POV

After Gabe told me that he was going to the movies I decided that I would take one of the girls with me and we would go shopping while Gabe was at the movie.

I walked up to Chloe's room and found her reading, like she usually is. "Hi mommy."

"Hi Chloe, would you like to go shopping with me?"

"For what?"

"For the new baby girl."

"The baby is a girl?" she squealed.

"Yes." I told her.

"Yay!" she said and hugged me.

"Let's get ready." I said.

I helped her get dressed and then Chloe, Gabe, and I left. "Have a good time." I told Gabe ove he got out of the car.

"I will." he replied.

"Mommy?" Chloe asked after I drove off.


"Where do babies come from?"

Kill me now, I thought. "Umm, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much a baby starts to grow in the mommy's tummy." I explained.

"Oh, okay." she said and thankfully she seemed content with the answer.

I pulled up to the mall and got Chloe out and we walked inside. "What is the baby's name?" Chloe asked me.

"Daddy and I haven't thought of a name yet."

"You should name the baby Cinderella."

I laughed and replied, "I tell you dad."

"Good." she said seriously.

"Look mommy!" Chloe said pointing to a onesie with a Minnie Mouse head on the front and on the butt there was a little red and white ruffled skirt thing.

"Let's get it." I said.

We shopped until Gabe need us to pick him up and then we all headed home, but I still felt that something was different than the last time I was pregnant.

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