Chapter 39

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Sorry this chapter is so short. This was just a bit of a filler but I promise the next chapter will be longer and better. Keep commenting and voting! Thanks!

Bella's POV

"Mr and Mrs Styles, there have been some complications." Harper's doctor told us.

Immediately my mind went to the worse possibilities and I felt my breath hitch in my throat, "What complications?" I asked.

"One of Harper's lungs is damaged, right now she is stable but we cannot continue the surgery until her good lung is stronger."

"So what are you doing, is she going to be in surgery until the lung is stronger?" Harry asked nervously.

"We put her on the highest dosage of medicine that her body can handle to help her breathing. But we can't keep her in there forever, so we are letting the medicine have an hour to do its job and then whether the medication works or not we will have to complete the surgery."

"How is her lung damaged?" I asked the doctor.

"It's scarred, it functions, but not nearly as well as her other lung."

"Will it affect her later on in life?"

"She might get winded easier than other kids but other than that she will be fine."

"Okay, thank you." I said quietly.

The doctor left and Harry and I sat back down. "Are you hungry?" Harry asked.


"Bella I haven't seen you eat in days, I know you're upset but you have to eat." Harry said practically begging.

"I'm not hungry." I said and Harry stood up running a hand through his curls and walked away, I'm guessing to the cafeteria.

Soon Harry returned with a slice of pizza. "Bella, you need to eat."


"Please Bella, for me." I looked at him and saw the desperation in his eyes.

I slowly took the pizza from him and took a few bites. "Thank you." he whispered and kissed my head.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that by now they were starting Harper's surgery, whether the medicine worked or not.

I finished my pizza and Harry threw the plate away for me. When he sat back down next to me I whispered, "I'm scared."

Harry opened his arms and gently pulled me into him, "Shhh, I know." he said softly, "I am too."

We sat there, Harry holding me and whispering sweet, comforting things in my ear until Dr Green came back through the doors.

Harry's arms tensed around me and I felt my heart beat increase dramatically.

"The surgery was a success, we have drained all of the fluid of of her lungs." the doctor said.

Harry and I both sighed in relief from knowing our baby girl was safe. "I suggest that you go and hold her later tonight, skin to skin contact between the biological mother and father can help premature babies tremendously."

"Thank you." Harry said to the doctor.

"She's okay." I said hugging Harry once again.

"She's gonna get through this Bella, she will be okay." Harry told me and with all my heart I knew the words were true.

Julia's POV

I woke up from my nap and remembered I was still in the hospital. I looked over at the chair where there was a sleeping Niall and a few feet away in a small portable crib there was my beautiful baby boy, Rory.

I embraced this quiet moment knowing that with newborn I probably wouldn't be enjoying quiet again anytime soon.

Looking back on these past few years I can't believe all that's happened, to me and to Bella.

Four years ago Bella and I were just two directioners that dreamed of meeting the boys and having them fall in love with us, little did we know it would actually happen.

Bella and I always had a special place in our hearts for the boys before we ever met them. I guess in some ways we really did love them, and then when we really did met them we fell completely, helplessly in love and I wouldn't change any one thing that's happened.

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