Chapter 44

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The next chapter will be the last chapter of the book, I'll make sure that is really good, and long. I haven't decided if I'm going to make a sequel or not but if I do I'll put the title in an authors note. Thanks to everyone all my readers and everyone that votes and comments!!

And this is a really short chapter, sorry!

Gabe's POV

After dinner Kat and I excused ourselves and went out to the back patio for a bit of fresh air.

"Did you talk to your dad yet?" she asked me. Kat knew all about how I have not been taking Simon's calls and not writing songs.

"Yeah, Simon called him and he talked to me."

"And what did he say?" Kat asked.

"He told me that if singing is something I want to do, I should do it, and the people that I really care about will be happy because I'm happy." I answered her.

"So, what did you decide?"

"I'm not going to worry a lot about it, just whatever happens happens."

"You know that you are singed to a record label right, and if you don't give right songs and record them then they are going to drop you and it will ruin any future chances you have of being a singer."

I sighed knowing that she was right, Kat was always right. "I don't know." I told her honestly.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked.

"As cheesy as it sounds you need to follow your heart, this a decision that only you can make."

"What if I make the wrong choice?"

"I think some how you'll figure it out."

"Are you ready for school?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes I am and nice way to change the subject." Kat said smiling.

"My dad said we can give you a ride."

"Okay, thanks. Are you nervous?"

Kat always seemed to know how I was feeling. That's one reason why I liked her.

"Yeah." I said.

"Don't worry, I'll show you around and everything, and you can hangout with me and my friends."

One big thing I was worried about is that people will only pretend to like me because of my dad and my uncles. I heard mum and dad talking about that one night when I got up to get a drink.

"Okay." I told Kat.

"You know you're my best friend, right?" Kat asked.

"I know." I said.

"Gabe, do you like me?"

"Of course I like you Kitty Kat." I said smiling.

"Not just as a friend, as more?"

"Yeah." I said knowing she would sooner or later get the truth out of me.

"That's good." she said.

"It is?" I asked.

"Yeah, because I like you too."

I thought about this for a moment, we are only fourteen, but when my birth mum was still alive, and I was going to school, eleven and twelve year olds would 'date' at school.

They never really would go out, more like sit together at lunch or something. Sure Kat and I aren't much older but we could actually go out on date.

"Would you like to go out with me, like a date?

"Yeah, that'd be great." Kat said.

"Okay, I'll pick you up next Friday night at six."

"I can't wait."

Bella's POV

Gabe and Kat went outside while Harry and I cleaned up the kitchen. "Kat's a good kid." I told Harry.

"Yeah, Gabe really likes her." he stated.

"It's cute."

"I can't believe that our oldest son is already getting into girls." Harry said.

"I know, just think, in ten years he'll twenty three, at that age I was already a mum to three kids."

"Things have moved so fast for us." Harry said wrapping his arms around my waste.

"Any regrets?" I asked him.

"Nope, none at all." he told me without a moments hesitation.

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