Chapter 42

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Harry's POV

Bella and I walked hand and hand down the stairs and out the door with the kids. Everyone got in their seat and we were off.

I noticed Gabe texting someone and I was curious to who it was, he hasn't started school yet and as far as I know he hasn't really been hanging out with any friends but I ignored the fact for now and just focused on driving to the mall.

I pulled up and found a parking space and helped Bella get the kids out. We walked into the store and we went to get Gabe's stuff first because he would take less time.

He picked out some new clothes and shoes, along with some school supplies then we went to shop for the twins.

I helped Colin while Bella helped Chloe. Colin and I were fished so we sat on seats outside the dressing room while the girls tried on clothes.

I looked over and Gabe was still texting away with a smile on his face and I realized then he was texting a girl, it was the same smile that I used to have while texting Bella when I was away.

"Who are you texting?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Oh, umm just a friend." he said startled.

"Does this friend have a name?" I asked.

"Yeah, Kat." he said.

"Kat, you're texting a friend, who's a girl." I said.

"Yeah, I actually have a question, when I start school next week, who's going to take me?"

"Probably one of the security guys why?" I told him.

"Well Kat lives just a few minutes away from us and her house is on the way to school and..." he said trailing off.

"And you wanted to know if you could pick her up." I said smiling.

"Uhh, yeah." Gabe said blushing.

"That depends, is she a girlfriend, or a friend that just happens to be a girl?" I asked him.

"Well right now she's just a friend, but someday that could change." Gabe said smirking.

"Okay, I'll tell Marcus to pick her up."

"Thanks dad." Gabe said looking back down at his phone again, probably texting Kat.

"Why don't you invite her over?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

"Ask her if she would like to come over for dinner tonight." I said and he started typing again.

"She'll be there." Gabe said.

"Who will be where?" Bella asked coming out of the dressing room with Chloe.

"Gabe's friend Kat is coming over for dinner tonight." I told her.

"Okay, tell her I'll have dinner ready about six." Bella told Gabe.

"Daddy, is it time to buy me books?" Chloe asked me.

"Are you and mommy done picking out your clothes?" I asked and she nodded.

"Okay, then let's go to the book store." I said picking her up.

For the first time I noticed how tiny she was for a five year old, while Colin must have had a growth spurt while I was gone because he has gotten taller.

We payed for the clothes and the school supplies and then we walked through the mall to the bookstore.

Chloe picked out several books and I payed then we left and my phone rang. It was the hospital and I felt my stomach in my throat.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Is this Mr.Styles?" a nurse asked.

"Yes it is." I said quickly.

"This is Harper's nurse, Claire, and I was wondering if you were going to come in to see Harper today. I would help her get better faster."

"Yes, we can come in right now." I said and hung up.

"We're going to the hospital." i announced.

"Is everything okay?" Bella asked panicked.

"Yeah, they want us too come hold her."

"What about us?" Gabe asked.

"You'll have to sit in the waiting room for a bit." I told him.


We all went out to the car and I drove us to the hospital. We soon arrived and we all went up to the NICU.

I made sure the kids were good in the waiting room then Bella and I went through the familiar process of washing our hands up to our elbows and slipping hospital gowns on.

The nurse led us back to Harper's incubator and Bella told me to hold her first.

I sat down and the nurse helped me get Harper situated in my arms then someone called for a nurse and Claire ran out of the curtained area and then we heard the parents next to us sobbing.

It only took me a few seconds to realize what had happened and then I looked down at the precious little baby in my arms and was so infinitely grateful that I had her.

I Ran Into Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora