Chapter 19

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Bella's POV

A few mornings later Harry and I got up and got ready to go to the orphanage. We were both a bit nervous and a bit excited.

We got to the orphanage, which looked horrible, and went inside. A lady in the office stood up and shook our hands, "Hello, I'm Mrs.Matthews, how can I help you?"

"We want to adopt a child." Harry said.

"Boy or girl?" She asked.

"We aren't sure." I told her.

"Everyone downstairs." the lady said over a loud speaker.

She took us into a main room and in a few minutes there were about twenty kids and a few of the older ones had babies in their arms.

In the back of the room I saw a little boy and a little girl with brown hair like Harry and I's, that must have been twins because they look so much alike, a boy that looked to be 11 or 12 walked up to the girl and said something then kicked her causing her to cry.

The little boy that was with with her held her while she cried and immediately I left Harry's side and went over to the two little children.

"Hi," I said quietly getting down on their level.

The girl quickly whipped her tears, "What are your names?" I asked them.

"I'm Colin and this is my sister Chloe." the boy said quietly.

"I'm Bella, how old are you guys?" I asked.

"Four." Chloe answered quietly.

"You guys wait right here, I'll be right back, okay?" I said. They both nodded and I stood and walked over to Harry.

"Sweetheart," I said, "see the little boy and girl over there?"

"Yeah." he said.

"I want them both." I said.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"I saw one of the older boys kick the little girl, Chloe, and her brother, Colin comforted her while she cried, can we please adopt them?" I asked him.

"Let's go talk to them." he said.

"Hi Bella." Chloe said when Harry and I got to them.

"Hi, this is my husband Harry."I said.

"Hi." Harry said.

Harry looked at me and nodded. "Can you come with us?" he said.

They both nodded looking down and I reached my hand out to Chloe's and she jump back and grabbed onto Colin.

Mrs.Matthews came over to us and Harry said, "We want to adopt Chloe and Colin."

"Oh, that's wonderful, Chloe, Colin, please go pack your things." she said.

The twins went upstairs and we singed the papers and Mrs.Matthews said, "I have to tell you that the twins have had a tough past, their mother died giving birth to them and then their father became an alcoholic and abused them. A few months ago a neighbor called the cops and they've been here ever since."

Harry and I both nodded upset that anyone could ever hurt children.

"And their father did not take very good care of them, so they are very small for their age, and their potty training is not quite up to par since their father never potty trained them, we had to teach them." she said.

Colin and Chloe came down the stairs each with a small bag and Mrs.Matthews said that we were free to leave.

We took them out to the car and put them in their seats. Harry called Gemma and asked her to watch Annie a little longer because we had to go shopping.

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