Chapter 30

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Bella's POV

After I told the kids about my being pregnant, we watched movies until it was time for bed. As it was late I went to Harry and I's bedroom and sat down.

My hand went to my stomach, and started rubbing circles. I'm completely over joyed by the fact that I'm pregnant, something feels odd about this pregnancy. It's probably just that Harry isn't home with me.

"Mommy?" I heard a small voice say and I looked up to see Chloe with her teddy bear, standing in my doorway.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"I miss daddy."

"Come here baby girl." I said opening my arms and Chloe didn't hesitate to come into them.

I pulled her up next to me and sat her on my bed, "I miss daddy too sweetie, but he'll be home before we know it."

"Good, he needs to be here for you."

"What?" I asked slightly confused.

"Daddy needs to be here for you and the baby."

"He will be Chloe, and even if daddy isn't her right now, he is always with me."

"What do you mean mommy?" Chloe asked, clearly not understanding.

"Daddy and I love each other so much that even when daddy is away, I know he still cares about me because that's how strong our love is."

"Someday I want to love someone as much as you love daddy." Chloe said.

"And someday you will." I said to her with a kiss on her head.

"Can I stay in here tonight?" she asked me.

"Of course you can, but now it's time to go to sleep." I told her.

"Okay, night I love you mommy."

"I love you too Chloe."


The next morning I woke and thankfully did not have morning sickness. I went downstairs and started breakfast for everyone when Gabe came downstairs and sat at the breakfast bar.

Gabe's POV

I wanted to talk to mum with out the little kids around so once I heard her in the kitchen I got up and walked down to her.

"Good morning Gabe."

"Morning mum, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"You can talk to me about anything." she said.

"Okay, so right when we got back from LA and I said I ran into a girl, do you remember that?" I said.

"Yes." she said to me.

"Well, me and this girl have been talking a lot, and I think I like her."

"Does this girl have a name?" mum asked me.

"Kat." I answered, then added, "how do you know if you like someone?"

"Well, it's kind of different for everyone. I liked your dad before I even met him."

"Did you love him?" I asked.

"Before I met him? I thought I did, I was a big fan, but really, I didn't know what love was until I met your father."

"But you did like him?" I asked clarifying.

"Yes I did, and the best advice I can give you is that if you like this girl, take her out or something, but don't rush into anything, you're thirteen you don't need a girlfriend right now."

"Thanks mum." I said and went to get the little kids for her.

Harry's POV

I lay awake in my bunk on the tour bus thinking about everything I was missing at home.

I just wanted my family, I've only been gone for a little over a month, but there is still six months left of the tour.

I grabbed one of the pictures I keep next to me at all time when I'm on tour, a picture of Bella.

I can't say that I miss her more than I miss the kids, but she's my wife, my pregnant wife, the love of my life. And I just want to be with her.

I knew I wouldn't be sleeping anytime in the near future so I quietly got up out of my bunk and went into the small lounge area in the tour bus.

I sat there, staring at the picture of Bella and wishing I was with her. I miss so much about her.

I miss the way her hair smells after she takes a shower. I miss the way that her American accent has started mixing with a British one. I miss how she would trace my tattoos at night, I miss her.

Bella's POV

Once everyone had made their way downstairs to the table I went upstairs to get dressed.

On the way I passed a picture of Harry holding Annie for the first time. I thought it would be easier having him gone. I've been with Harry and he was gone twice, but it's so different now. It's harder, I guess because I can see how the kids want their daddy.

As I looked at the picture of Harry and Annie I had a thought. A thought about how I could tell Harry the gender of the baby.

I grabbed my phone and called Liam to help me out, "Hello?" he answered.

"Hey Liam, I need your help with something."

"Sure Bella, what is it?" he asked me.

"I have an idea of how to tell Harry the gender of the baby."

"What baby?" Liam asked.

"Liam, didn't Harry tell you, I'm pregnant."

"Harry never told us, but congratulations, how can I help?" he asked.

"Okay, here's my idea..."

Liam's POV

After I finished my conversation with Bella I went off to find Harry. I found him in his hotel room taking a nap.

I walked over to the side of his bed and pushed him off. Harry woke up and locked around confused then stood up and said, "Liam, did you push me off the bed?"

"Yes, and did you not tell me that Bella is pregnant?" I asked.

"I was waiting until I could get all the lads together, how did you know she was pregnant?" he asked me.

"She just calls me with an idea on how to tell you what gender the baby is."

"She knows? Harry asked shocked.

"Not yet, but for when she finds out."

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