Chapter 41

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Harry's POV

After Bella and I tucked Chloe in I wanted to check on the rest of the kids. Annie and Colin were peacefully asleep while Gabe had fallen asleep with his phone in his hand and his light on.

I put his phone on his bedside table and turned off the light then Bella and I went to our room. We were both exhausted and fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up I heard Bella downstairs in the kitchen and I was happy to be home.

I saw Gabe's door open so I guessed he was downstairs so I went into Colin's room. He was making his bed but when he saw me he yelled, "Dad!"

He ran into my arms and I picked him up "I love you." he said.

"I love you to bud." I told him.

I pulled away and told him to go downstairs with Bella, then I saw went to Chloe's room and saw she wasn't in there, so I went to Annie's room.

I smiled at how big she had gotten since I've been gone. This was really only the second time I've seen her in the seven months.

I gently shook her and she yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Daddy?" she asked confused and tired.

"Hi princess." I said.

"Hi daddy." she replied.

I picked her up and sat her on my hip to carry her downstairs. She laid her head on my shoulder and yawned.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to find my mum helping Bella with the kids. I sat Annie in her highchair and I sat down with everyone else.

I looked at my mum and realized how exhausted she looked. "Mum, it's okay if you want to go home, I'm here now."

"Harry, you Bella need to there for Harper and someone has to stay with the kids." she said.

"We'll be okay, it's should all be smooth sailing with Harper now and if her lungs continue to get better and she gains some weight we should be able to bring her home."

"Again Harry, you and Bella need to be with her, not here."

"The boys are back and I'm sure they'll be willing to help watch them and in a week Gabe and the twins will be at school so it will just be Annie to watch. Mum you have done so much for us and we are extremely grateful, but I know you miss your own house and Robin. We'll be okay."

"Are you sure?" she asked me skeptically.

"Positive." I said.

"Well, if your completely sure I'll go home in the next day or two." she said.

"Okay, mum I love you." I said and then started eating.

After I finished I called the hospital to check in Harper and figure out when we would be going to back to the hospital today.

"This is Harper Styles' father and I just want to get an update on her." I told the nurse that answered the phone.

"Okay, let's see here." she said and I heard some papers rustling, "Harper is doing wonderful, the doctor checked her a little bit ago and he was thrilled with how fast she is recovering from the operation. She has been sleeping all morning after the nurse gave her a small amount of formula and she kept it down, we are all every impressed."

"Okay, what time would you recommend us coming in to see her?" I asked.

"I think whenever, but really coming and holding her today would most likely just wake her and right now she needs all the rest she can get to heal faster." the nurse said.

"Okay, umm can I be called if anything happens?"

"Yes, at this number?"

"Yes please." I said.

"Okay, if anything happens I will notify you at this number immediately." the nurse said and hung up then I went to Bella and told her everything the nurse said.

"Well, what should we do today then?" Bella asked me.

"The kids need to go school shopping." I suggested.

"Okay, I think we'll have your mum watch Annie, she seems very tired and grumpy so shopping wouldn't be the best idea for her."

"Okay, I'll get Chloe dressed, you get Colin and I'll tell Gabe." I said and Bella nodded.

I told Gabe to get dressed and then I grabbed Chloe and carried her upstairs. "We're going shopping today pumpkin." I told her.

"Can I get more books like you promised?" she asked excited.

"Did you finish all the ones I got you before I left?"

"Yes." she replied confidently.

"Then today I think we need to stop at the book store." I told her.

"Yay! Thank you daddy." she said hugging me.

"Your welcome Chlo, now let's get dressed."

I went to her closet and and pulled out a pair of black leggings, some little Uggs, and a One Direction sweatshirt that my mum had bought her.

"I like your band daddy." Chloe said.

"Thank you, now c'mon, let's go see if mummy has Colin dressed."

I took her hand and we went into the hall as Gabe came out Colin's room. "Dad Colin is giving mum trouble." he said.

"Okay, Gabe please take Chloe downstairs and wait for us." I said letting go of Chloe and walking to Colin's room.

"Colin it's okay, dad's home." I heard Bella tell him.

"Bella what's going on?" I asked her.

"He's thinks you're leaving again or something."

I walked over to the big chair in Colin's room where my little boy was sobbing. "Colin? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't want you to leave again." he cried.

"What makes you think I'm leaving again?" I asked.

"When you left the last time you took us out for a fun day. That's what we doing today." he said.

"Colin no buddy, today we are shopping for school. I'm home, okay, no more going away on tour with your uncles."

"But when you got home so left right away again." he said and I thought about what he meant, then it donned on me. When I got home from tour, I came home for one night before they went to bed and I was gone the next morning before they woke up.

"Colin that was because your baby sister is in the hospital and I had to be there for her. Now I need you to listen to me, okay, this is really important." I said and waited for him to stop crying a bit before I continued.

"Mummy and I might have to be at the hospital with Harper quite a bit for the next while, but I promise we will always come back. I love you buddy." I said hugging him.

"I love you too daddy." he said and at that point I wanted to cry too, he hasn't called me daddy in almost a year, I thought my baby boy was grown up.

I realized how much of their lives I missed in the past seven months. I'm not going to put them through me being gone again.

I wiped Colin's cheeks and then sent him downstairs. once he was gone I turned to Bella, "I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"I left you to raise our kids alone." I said.

"Harry, you didn't just leave, you didn't have a choice, it's in the past, it doesn't matter anymore, what matters now is the future, and you're going to be there for me an the kids."

"I promise I will be." I told her.

"I know you will."

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