Chapter 12

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*Harry's POV*

Before Louis left I made him promise no to say a word to anyone about my plans. I want Bella to be totally surprised.

I realized after the accident that you never know what is going to happen or what is going to change, so you need to live life in the moment.

Bella and I took Annie up to her room to put her to bed. Annie looked at Bella, smiled, and said "Mommy." it came out like momeee.

Bella nodded and said, "Yes, I'm mommy."

She looked so happy in that moment I want to just freeze time and live there forever, with my family. I smiled at Bella which caused Annie to poke my dimples and say daddy.

We tucked Annie in and Bella went to take a shower. I pulled out my phone and called Niall, "Hey Niall, I need your help?"

"What's up?" he asked.

"I need to keep Bella out of the house for the next couple of days."

"I need an explanation." He said confused.

"Okay swear you won't tell anyone?"


"I'm going to propose to Bella, but I need to get her out of the house so I can plan some things without her finding out."

"Okay I'll help, but what can I do?" he asked excited.

"We need to figure out a reason that Bella will believe to get out of the house."

"Well I was planning on redecorating my flat, maybe I could say that I need her help shopping and setting everything up."

"Yes that sounds great, thanks Niall, can you call her in like ten minutes and tell her to come to your place tomorrow morning and everything." I said.

"Yeah I will." he said.

"Okay, thanks, bye." I said and hung up.

*Bella's POV*

I got out of the shower and Harry got in. Once I pulled on Harry's shirt my phone rang. It was Niall.

"Hey Ni," I said, "what's up?"

"I need a favor." he said.

"Sure what is it?" I asked.

"I'm redecorating my flat and I have no idea what to do so can you please help me?"

"Sure when?"

"It will probably take a few days so I thought we could start tomorrow, and don't worry about missing time with Harry and Annie, we have a month long break."

"Harry said the break was a week."

"Yeah, but the other lads wanted to go home, I would too but my family is on vacation."

"Okay, I'll be over after breakfast." I said and hung up.

Harry came out of the shower and I told him about me helping Niall and oddly enough, he didn't seem surprised. I didn't question it and we went to bed.

I woke up the next morning and got Annie I took her downstairs, fed her, ate, and made some food for Harry.

I took Annie upstairs and sat her next to Harry. She crawled up to his face and laid down. He woke up and looked right into her eyes.

I kissed him and Annie and headed towards Niall's.

*Harry's POV*

I let Annie play while I ate breakfast then I took her and my laptop into the playroom.

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