Chapter 22

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Gabe's POV

"How much do you want it?" my new dad asked me.

"More than life." I answered him.

"Then tomorrow morning you'll come to work with me, Simon wants to meet you." he said.

"Simon Cowell wants to meet me?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, now go to bed, big day tomorrow." he said.

"Okay, night dad, oh, sorry, Harry." I said.

"No, it's fine, you can call me dad." he said turning towards the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot," dad said walking back to me and pulling a black box, "Here." He said handing it to me.

I opened the box and found a black iPhone 5s, "I don't need this." I said.

"No, I want you to have it, incase you ever need to get ahold of me or anything."

"Thanks dad." I said.

"Night." he said leaving.

"Night." I replied.

Harry's POV

Bella woke me up the next morning saying breakfast was ready. "Hey Bells?" I said.

"Yeah?" she said.

"What if Simon wants to sign Gabe, are we going to let him do it?" I asked.

"If it's what he wants then I think we should let him, but I don't want touring the world or anything like that yet." she said then she went to wake the twins and I went to get Annie and Gabe.

I got Annie and changed her diaper then went to Gabe's door. I wanted to give him his privacy so I just knocked.

"It's open." I heard Gabe say.

I walked in with Annie and saw Gabe doing push-ups. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I try to work out every morning, I like to be in shape. I have to protect this little cutie from all those mean boys." he said coming over and tickling Annie causing her to giggle.

"Okay, breakfast is ready, so come down and eat then you can ready to go afterwards." I told him and he came down with me.

When breakfast was done Gabe went up to shower and change and I helped Bella clean up the kitchen.

Then I ran upstairs and got dressed throwing on a T-shirt and some jeans. Then I met Gabe in the hall and we walked downstairs to say goodbye.

I went over and kissed all of the kids on their heads, "Bye daddy." Chloe and Annie said.

"Bye dad." Colin said when I got to him.

"I thought you called me daddy?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but Gabe calls you dad. Gabe is a big boy and I is too, so I call you dad." he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I looked at Bella and said, "A part of me just died." and she laughed.

I went over and kissed her and all four kids yell, "Ewwww!"

I pulled away and looked at Gabe, "Was that your doing?"

"There's a good chance." he said smiling.

I pecked Bella lips one more time and then walked out to the car with Gabe. When we were in the car I said to Gabe, "So it seems like you and Annie connected."

"Yeah, my mum always used to say how protective I am, I've always wanted a little sister."

"I think it's cute how you're so protective of her already." I said and he nodded.

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