Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

The wedding went great and I was so happy to finally be married to Bella. We both slept through the flight to the Caribbean.

When we got there it was night but we weren't tired since we slept on the plane. Everything was closed so we just went to the hotel and hung out.

Bella was lying next to me on the bed when I said, "I think I'll call my mum, to check on Annie."

"Harry, you called when we got off the plan a couple hours ago. She's fine. Don't worry." Bella told me.

"Do you want more kids?" I asked her.

"Of course I do."

"When?" I asked.

"I at least want Annie to be one, so maybe the end of this year, or the begging of next year." she said.

"I think that sounds great."

We had an amazing time on our honeymoon, we worried tons about Annie and called at least once everyday.

Bella loved every minute of it but I know she was in a hurry to get back to Annie. I would by lying if I said I didn't want to see my little girl.

It was time to go home, which was a good and bad thing, but Bella and I were both ready to get back to our own house.

We flew back to London and my mum met us at the airport with Annie. She sat Annie down and she ran over to is on her little legs.

"Mommy! Daddy!" she yelled running towards us.

"Annie!" Bella yelled back and picked her up.

"Miss you mommy." Annie said.

"I missed you too." Bella said handing me Annie.

"Daddy." She said.

"Hi baby girl." I said

We got our bags and took Annie home.

"Wait." I said to Bella and took Annie in and sat her on the couch.

I walked back out to Bella and picked her up bridal style and carried her over the threshold and kissed her.

"I love you Mrs.Styles." I told her.

"And I love you Mr.Styles." She replied.

We took Annie up to our room and sat her down on our bed turning on the tv so she could watch some of her little kids shows while we unpacked.

It took about an hour for us to finish unpacking then we went to bed.

Bella's POV

The next morning Harry asked me to watch Annie because he had a surprise for her.

He returned with a play set. He was determined to put it together but he was having a hard time, a very hard time.

I put Annie down for a nap and went out to talk to him.

"Harry, why don't you just hire someone?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna do this for Annie." He said.

"Harry, she's not going to care who put in together, she's just going to want to play."

"I guess you're right, I'll go call some guys." He said.

The workers had the play set put up before Annie even woke up from her nap.

When she woke up Harry and I got her from her crib and took her downstairs.

We walked out back through the kitchen and immediately Annie dropped Harry's hand and ran up to the slide.

"Slide Daddy, slide!" she yelled.

He went and helped her climb up the steps and go down the slide. She played until dinner time and loved it.

When Harry told her that it was time for dinner she wasn't very happy but after a little convincing we told her the play set needs to go night night.

I made dinner and we ate. We knew Annie wasn't tired enough to go to bed so we went into the playroom and let her play.

Harry and I sat on the couch in the playroom together. Annie picked up a toy and threw it.

"Annie don't throw." Harry told her.

She looked at Harry then turned around and picked up another toy and threw it too.

"Annie Mae I said don't throw, now if you throw again it will be bedtime." Harry said.

Again she picked up a toy and threw it. Harry got off the couch and picked her up, "Annie I told you not to throw again, now it's bed time."

"No daddy!" she said starting to cry.

"C'mon its bath time." Harry said carrying her from the room.

I knew Harry didn't want to make Annie cry but he was doing the right thing.

We gave Annie a bath and she cried pretty much the entire time. We carried her into her room and put her in her crib.

"Not tired!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry but I told you not to through and you still did, so you have to go to bed." He explained to her.

"I sorry daddy." she said looking down.

"I forgive you Annie but you still need to go to bed." he kissed her forehead and we left.

Harry walked straight across the hall to our bedroom and flopped face first onto our bed.

I sat down beside him and put my hands in his curls. "Harry?" I asked.

He groaned in response. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

He sat up and pulled me onto his lap. "I hate punishing her," He said dropping his forehead onto my shoulder, "I feel like the worst person in the world when I make her cry."

I ran my hands through his curls knowing it would calm him. "Harry," I said, "its normal not to want to punish your baby, but you had too. You told Annie not to throw then she did it anyway."

"Really?" he asked lifting his head.

"Harry, as she gets older I'm sure we will just have to punish her even more as she starts to go to school and becomes a teenager, it just a part of life, she has to learn what is right and wrong."

"Have told you I love you?" he asked me.

"You might've mentioned it." I said before I kissed him.

Sorry it's kinda short, this was mainly just a filler. So Annie is almost a year old but she is talking and everything. I'm not sure if this is when babies start talking and walking but just go with it.:) thanks, vote comment!

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