Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

The next morning I woke up before Bella and looked at the clock. It was almost 9:30. Immediately I jumped out of bed and ran to Annie's room, she never sleeps past 8:00.

She was quietly whimpering in her crib. "What's wrong Annie?" I asked picking her up.

She snuggled into my chest and said, "Icky."

"What feels icky?" I asked.

"Icky." she said again.

"Okay, let's go get mommy." I told her.

I carried her across the hall and into Bella and I's room. "Bella." I said gently bugging her.

"Good morning." she said slightly sitting up.

"I think Annie's sick." I said.

She reached for Annie but she would not let go of my shirt. "Annie," Bella said, "what's wrong sweetie."

"Icky." she said.

"C'mon Harry, I have some children's Tylenol that should make her feel a better."

We left our room and got into the hall just in time for Annie to throw up all over my shirt and the floor. "Bella." I said disgusted.

Bella took Annie and told me to take a shower.

Bella's POV

I took Annie into the bathroom in her room and put a small amount of water in the tub. I gave her a bath then put her in a pink onesie. "Dada." Annie cried, she was definitely a daddy's girl.

"Let's go find daddy." I told her after giving her her medicine. I found that Harry threw the rug that Annie threw up on in the washer and had started breakfast.

I sat Annie in her high chair and picked up the phone dialing the doctor. "What did the doctor say?" Harry asked after I hung up.

"Just that she has a common stomach bug and we need to try to keep fluids in her." I said.

"I have no idea how to do this, she refuses to drink her milk, juice, or anything." he told me.

"I don't know what to do." I said.

"I think I'll call my mom." he said.

"And I'll call mine." I told him.

"Hi mom," I said when she answered, "sorry it's so early, but Annie's sick and Harry and I have no idea what to do."

"Did you call the doctor?" she asked.

"Yeah, he said she just has a stomach bug and that we need to keep some fluids in her but she won't drink anything." I said.

"Well, when you were little whenever you got sick the only way you would drink your milk is if it was really hot, you would drink it so hot I thought it would burn your mouth." she said.

"But Annie hates hot milk." I said.

"So did you." my mom said.

"Okay, I'll try it, thanks mom, I'll call you when she's better." I said.

"Your welcome, and good luck, trust me, you'll need it." she said hanging up.

I walked back into the kitchen and told Harry what my mom said. "My mom said when we find something that she'll drink make sure she takes small sips other wise it will come right back up." Harry told me.

"Good to know." I said warming up Annie's milk.

All day we kept trying to get Annie to eat her baby cereal, in the end she only got a few spoonfuls, she threw up quite a few more times, and would not let go of Harry hardly at all. You could say it was a hectic day.


Sorry, I haven't updated lately and that it's so short, I've had really bad writers block but I have an idea for the next chapter. Happy fourth!

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