Chapter 37

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Niall's POV

Julia and I flew home with Zayn and Liam. Once we arrived back our house we left just as quick as we got home because Julia's water broke.

I quickly drove her to the hospital, the same on that Harry and Bella were in. I was feeling so many emotions at that time, I was worried for Harry and Bella, I was worried about Julia and our baby, I was excited because I was about to be a daddy.

I felt horrible because I was happy about my little baby coming while Harry was worried about whether his daughter was going to make it or not.

When I got to the hospital I quickly took Julia inside and they lead us to a room. "Niall, can you call the boys?" Julia asked me quietly.

"Yeah, I'll call them." I took a few steps to the side of the room and called the boys, saving Harry for last.

"Hey Niall." Harry said when he answered.

"Hey Harry, umm Julia and I wanted to let all of the boys know that she's having the baby."

"That's great Niall, what floor are you guys on, we'll be right there."

"We're on the fourth floor, down the hall from the nursery, room 402." I told him.

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute." Harry said and hung up.

Harry's POV

I hung my phone up and told Bella that Julia was here. We both went to her room and found that Julia already had their little boy, Rory James Horan.

Julia was sitting holding him. Bella was truly happy for the both of them, I was too but I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

Bella and I each took a seat next to Julia's bed. "Can I hold him?" Bella asked.

"Of course you can." Julia said handing him over.

I looked at Bella holding a Rory and I was ready to scream. I jumped up and left the room. I knew I couldn't keep doing this, just running out but I couldn't just sit there, it's not Niall or Julia's fault that Harper is already here.

I found myself walking back to the NICU and staring at Harper. Eventually I heard someone walk up behind me, "Mate, you alright?" Niall asked in his Irish accent.

"I guess." I said not turning to look at him. I felt him take a few steps and stand next to me.

"Is that her?" he asked me quietly.

"Yeah, that's Harper."

"I'm sorry." Niall said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For Rory being born now, for Harper being born early, for all of it."

"Niall none of it's your fault. I admit, I'm a bit jealous that your son is prefect and my daughter can't even breathe on her own. Honestly I feel like I'm living in a nightmare. I don't even know what to do with myself. I need to be with Bella and Harper but I also have four other kids at home who have only seen me for five minutes in the past six months. What am I supposed to do?" I asked him.

"Harry, I'm not completely sure what to say, I just wish I could help you out somehow. I wish that everything was normal."

"It's okay Niall, why don't you go back to Julia and Bella, hold your little boy, I just need some time to think."

"Okay mate, let me know if there's anything I could do."

I nodded and watched him walked away. I looked back at Harper and saw that she was awake. I was over to the nurses station and told them I wanted to hold Harper.

I washed my hands and they took me back to her. She watched as I sat down and the nurse handed her to me.

"I'll give you some time alone, press the button if you need anything." the nurse said and left.

"Oh Harper, what should daddy do? I'm so worried about you, but I miss your brothers and sisters."

She just continued looking at me with her eyes that look exactly like mine. I felt like I could tell her anything, which I guess I really can, it's not like she'll go tell someone one or remember anything I've said.

"I...I don't know what to do anymore. I'm lost. I whispered to my baby the thought that I've had in my head for months now.

"I think I'm losing your mum."

Bella's POV

Niall came back without Harry and told me where he was. I went to the NICU where Harry was holding Harper, "I think I'm losing your mum." he whispered to her.

I saw Harry call for the nurse and they put Harper back in her incubator. I sat down on the bench in the hall as I kept hearing Harry's words, I think I'm losing your mum.

"Bella? I thought you were with Julia." Harry said.

"We need to talk." I said leading the way down the hall to my hospital room, I was technically in perfect health, but since I just had a premature baby yesterday's have to stay for a day or two more.

Louis was still in my room, asleep in the chair. "Louis." I said and woke him up.

"I need to talk to Harry, why don't you go meet Niall's little boy." I said and Louis left nodding.

I sat Harry down at the end of my bed and I sat down by my pillow. "Why do you think you're losing me?" I blurted.

"Y-You heard me?" Harry asked shocked and I nodded, wanting an explanation.

"We aren't the same kids that fell in love."

"You don't love me anymore?" I asked him.

"No I do, I still love you with all my heart. I feel like I messed stuff up or something, I don't know anymore."

"Harry what are you talking about?"

"I feel like I'm not a good enough husband to you." he said tugging on his curls.

I crawled onto his lap and lifted his chin to me, "Harry Styles, you are the best husband I could ever dream of having."

I looked at the man I had fell deeply in love with, bloodshot eyes filled with worry and doubt, lips quivering, I kissed him wishing he only knew how much I loved him.

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