Chapter 4

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*Bella's POV*

It's been a little over three months since Harry left, we've talked everyday since then.

I've gotten a lot of hate on social media and at school, but Harry was always there to help me through it. Julia and I have grown closer, and she is now dating Niall.

It's 7:30pm, October 16th. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday and the day Harry gets back from London. I've never been so excited in my life.

I took a shower, put on some spandex and one of Harry's shirts that he left for me and and laid down on my bed and turned on The Last Song I fell asleep thinking about Harry.

I woke up to find the love of my life laying next to me looking at my eyes. I kissed him with every ounce of passion I could muster.

When I finally pulled away I said, through happy tears, "Harry what are you doing here? How did you get in? When did you get back?"

He wiped away some of my tears with the pads of his thumbs and said, "I'm here for your birthday, your parents let me in, and I got back about an hour ago."

"I love you." I said. "I love you too." he said and kissed me.


I don't know how much time went by, hours I'm sure, but I just laid with my head on my boyfriend's chest happy to have him back.

After a while Harry got up and said, "C'mon let's go."

"Where?" I asked. He said, "I want to give you your presents."

"Harry I don't need any presents I have you here that's more than enough." I said.

He kissed me and said, "Too bad the boys and I got you presents. Oh Perrie and El got you something too."

"Fine lets go." I said, I've kept in tough with all the boys and El and Perrie.

I sat up and Harry bought a couple of bags full of presents over to me El got me a Forever 21 gift card. Perrie got me an iTunes gift card. Louis got me a T-shirt with his face on it.

Liam got me a shirt that said, "This girl's a directioner". Zayn got me a muscle shirt with a UK flag on it. Niall got me a bottle of Our Moment.

Harry's present was my favorite. He got me a H necklace and on the back it said 'forever and always'.

After he put the necklace on me, I leaned over and kissed him in thanks.

"I love you." I said, "Forever and always." he replied.


I spent the next month with Harry he stayed at my house in my room and I know what your thinking and no we haven't gone there yet.

Before I knew it it was time for Harry to leave again. We were at the airport trying to say goodbye.

We sat waiting for them to call his flight , him holding me while I cried.

"I love you." he said. I smiled through me tears and said, "Forever and always."

It was our promise to each other we will love each other forever.

They called his flight and he stood up his eyes tearing up.

"No," I said "don't cry. It'll be okay. Call me when you land."

He kissed me one more time and I told him I loved him. He responded "I love you too. Forever and always."


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