Chapter 10

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So just a warning, there is MAJOR drama in this chapter and the next few chapters, some heart wrenching drama! Comment, vote! Love Ya'll!

*Harry's POV*

Bella and I were allowed to take Annie home the next evening, Bella was calm while I was very nervous.

I carefully carried Annie in her car seat out to the car and sat her in the back. Bella sat with her in case she fussed.

We arrived at the house and I got out and got Annie. I carried Annie in while Bella carried Annie's diaper bag.

I opened the door and sat her down in the entry hall. Bella came in and hugged my side, "Harry we have our family home now."

"I know Bella, and I couldn't be happier." I said kissing her head.

"C'mon I'm tired and I want to take Annie to her room." Bella said grabbing the diaper bag again.

We went upstairs and took Annie to her room, I put the car seat in the recliner in her room and pulled Annie out.

"I need to feed her." Bella said.

I handed Annie to Bella and moved the car seat. I got Bella a burp cloth she started nursing Annie.

She finished and said, "Harry can you hold her while I take a quick shower?"

"Oh course love." I told her and took Annie.

Bella quickly finished her shower and came back into Annie's room.

"I'm going to give you another Diaper Changing 101 and then go to bed." She said.

I haven't quite gotten the hang of changing diapers yet. I carried Annie over to the changing table and sat her down.

"Okay Harry pay attention, you take to the diaper, put it under her butt, then you take off the dirty diaper, throw the dirty diaper away," she said throwing the diaper in the trash can right next to the changing table.

"Then you pull the rest of the diaper up and use the sticker things on the side to keep the diaper on then done, okay?" she looked at me.

"I think I got it this time," I said, "C'mon let's go to bed."

We took Annie into our room and sat her in the bassinet against the wall. I took a quick shower and then Bella and I went to sleep.

*Bella's POV*

I slept for a couple of hours when I heard Annie start crying I woke up and fed her, changed her diaper then put her back in the bassinet.

An hour later Annie started screaming again, I walked over to her bassinet and picked her up. She kept screaming I don't know how Harry was sleeping through all of this.

She wasn't hungry. She didn't want her pacifier. She didn't want to be rocked. She didn't want me to stand and hold her. I have no idea what she wanted.

I got hot so I turned the fan on and once the fan started up Annie calmed down. I guess she just got hot.

I put her back into her bassinet and crawled into bed. Every night she would wake up multiple times, not because she was hungry, she would just wake up.

When Harry sleeps he is dead to the world because not once did he hear Annie screaming. This happened for almost two weeks when one night before bed I turned the fan on and she didn't wake up at all.

Now we sleep with a fan on every night I was really getting tired of waking up four or five times a night.

We were doing great as a family. Harry just started to go to the studio a few days a week for a couple of hours.

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