Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

The next morning after punishing Annie everything was back to normal, Annie didn't hate me like I thought she would.

We all ate breakfast and decided we would go order the cake for Annie's first birthday. We weren't having a big party, we were just gonna have all the boys over for cake and ice cream.

We got a small cake just for Annie to smash. It was a small one tier with a pink rose looking pattern around the sides, a big pink and silver one on the side. On top it had black Mickey Mouse ears with a pink and white bow with a candle on top.

The cake that was for everyone else was a two tier with a pink bottom. The bottom had black Mickey Mouse heads with pink bows. The top was white with pink polka dot and had a pink one on it. With Mickey Mouse ears and a pink and white bow on it like Annie's.

Annie loved Mickey Mouse and Disney princesses.

When the cakes were done, a couple weeks later I picked them up and got home right before the boys.

Bella's POV

Louis got there first. "Uncle Louis!" Annie yelled and ran into his open arms.

"Hey Annie Mae, happy birthday." He said handing me her present. I sat it on a table where she couldn't get it until it was time. Next Niall came.

"Uncle Ni-Ni!" she screamed, Louis and Niall were probably her favorite uncles, she loves all of them but she's closer to Louis and Niall.

Liam and Zayn arrived at the same time, "Uncle Liam! Uncle Zayn!" she yelled.

We sat down in the kitchen and put Annie in her high chair. We sat her small cake in front of her and lit the candle. We all sang happy birthday day, then took a video of Annie digging into her cake.

We cut the cake and handed everyone a slice. Niall ate five. After cake we helped Annie open up her presents, she got lots of toys and some clothes.

Soon it was time for everyone to leave and we put Annie to bed. Harry and I took our showers then we laid down together in our bed.

"Your birthday is next week." Harry said.

"I know." I told him.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Bella, you have to want something."

"I just want to have a good day with you and Annie, just the three of us." I said.

"No party?" he asked.

"No party." I said.

"No presents?" he asked.

"No presents." I said.

"Nothing?" he asked again.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Okay." he said.

Harry's POV

I know Bella doesn't want anything but I have to give her something. After Bella fell asleep I quietly got up from bed and grabbed my phone going downstairs.

I called Julia, "Hey are you still coming next week?" I asked when she answered.

"Yea." she answered.

"And Bella doesn't know yet?" I asked.

"Nope I haven't told her yet, why?" she asked.

"Well, you know her birthday is next week and I asked her what she wanted and she said nothing but I thought the morning of her birthday you could be downstairs like in a box or something, then you take her out all day and I'll get a cake and a present or something and then you can bring her home." I explained.

"That sounds sweet Harry but if she doesn't want a present why are you getting her one?" she asked confused.

"Oh c'mon, every girl that says she doesn't want a present really wants one." I said.

"You're one smart boy Styles, so I get in at 6am Niall's picking me up and I'll have him bring me over, we should be there around 7." She said.

"Sounds good, Bella with still be sleeping then, so text me when you get in and don't ring the door bell, just text me and I'll come get you."

"Okay see you in a few a days." I told her and hung up.

The next week I was going crazy trying to think of what Bella would like for her 21st, I knew she would hate anything like a big party with alcohol. I ordered a cake online that I would pick up while Bella was out with Julia.

Julia texted me that she just got in and would be over in about 30 minutes. I got up and got dressed. I didn't want to wake Annie yet so I went downstairs.

I went into the entrance hall and and pulled a big box out of the closet. I didn't worry about wrapping it, just I was just going to put a bow on top.

Julia texted me saying that she was outside. I opened the door and let her in. She hugged me and asked me what the plan for the day was.

"Umm, you're going to hide in this box and I'll go get Bella, then you guys will go out for breakfast and stay out until like 6 and then I'm going to have a family dinner set up."

"When do I tell her the news?" she asked me.

"After she stops screaming." I said.

Julia got in the box and I put the bow on top and ran upstairs. I got Annie up first. I got her dressed and took her to our room.

I sat Annie down next to Bella and said, "Annie wake up mommy, and say happy birthday."

Annie woke her up and said, "Happy birtday mommy."

"Thank you sweetie." Bella said.

"Happy birthday Beautiful." I said and kissed her.

"Thank you Handsome." she said.

"Okay get dressed and be ready to leave." I told her.

"Why?" she asked.

"It's a surprise." I said and thankfully she didn't interrogate further.

When she was dressed she followed me downstairs and when she saw the box she said, "Harry, I told you I didn't want anything."

"Trust me, you'll like it." She sat her purse down on the couch and opened the box.

"Ahhh!" she screamed and started crying. Julia got out of the box and hugged Bella.

After they both stopped crying Bella said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm moving to London." Julia answered.

"What?! Really?!" Bella yelled.

"Yup, I'm transferring to the local university and moving in with Niall so we can start planning the wedding." Julia told her.

"I love you." Bella said hugging her again.

"I love you too, but thank Harold over here, he planned all of this." Julia told her.

"Thank you sweetheart." Bella said coming over and kissing me.

Bella and Julia left leaving me with Annie. I decided to make Bella a scrapbook with pictures of us since we met, including some of our engagement and wedding photos.

I worked on that for most of the day while Annie played and then I took Annie to pick up the cake then got home and started making dinner so it would be ready for when Bella got back.

Bella's POV

I can't believe that Julia is moving here, now I will finally have my best friend a few minutes away again.

We went shopping and got our nails done then it was time for us to go home because Harry said be home by six.

When I walked in I smelt something amazing. I sat my shopping bags down and went into the kitchen. I found Harry and Annie making dinner.

We ate the wonderful pasta that Harry made then he pulled out a cake that had two tiers and was white with silver decorations and silver 21s with black, white, and silver designs on the top.

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