Chapter 11

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*Anne's POV*

I woke up and was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard my phone ring.

I didn't recognize the number but I answered it. "Is this Anne, mother of Harry Styles?"

"Yes," I said worried, "I'm his mother, is everything okay?"

"Sadly no, we are from management and I regret to inform you that Harry was in a bad auto accident this morning." the man said.

"Oh my goodness, is he okay?" I asked.

"No he is in the hospital and is in serious condition."

"Okay we will be there right away." I said and hung up.

"Robin, Gemma, hurry get dressed we have to go!" I yelled running upstairs to get dressed.

I quickly told them what happened and we were on the road, Gemma was calling all of the boys and trying to get ahold of Bella, but she wouldn't answer. I was bawling in the front seat and Robin was driving.

I was so afraid I was going to lose my baby.

*Bella's POV*

I woke up and saw that Annie was still sleeping so I was going to call Harry. I had a total of 109 text messages. 35 missed calls from Gemma. 46 missed calls from Niall. 45 from Louis. 40 from Zayn. And 33 from Liam.

I was about to call Niall when his name appeared on my phone, I answered it and he said, "Oh thank God, Bella, you need to come back to London, ASAP!"

"Niall, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Harry he was in a car accident, it's not good Bella."

"I'm on the next flight out." I said and hung up.

I booked the next flight to London, which left in two hours. I quickly packed up Annie's and I's things and carried them downstairs.

"Bella," my mom asked me, "what's wrong? Where are you going?"

"It's Harry, he was in a bad car wreck it's not good." I told her. She yelled for my dad and we got in the car and headed to the airport. I texted Niall what time my flight got in so he could pick us up.

Annie and I boarded and we were quickly in London. I saw Niall and he took me out to his car and we put everything inside and left for the hospital.

"What happened Niall?" I asked scared.

"This morning he left the house, I'm not sure where he was going but he was going through an intersection and a truck didn't stop at the red light and hit the driver's side, he's been asleep all day. Three broken ribs, one lung punctured. A piece of metal went into his left knee. Left arm is badly bruised. And they think there might be bleeding on his brain."

"Daddy." we heard Annie say, but it kinda sounded more like daddeeee.

"Baby girl we are going to see daddy right now." I told her.

"She's talking already?" Niall asked amazed.

"Yeah, she's only seven months but my mom said I started talking around her age." I said.

We got to the hospital and went into Harry's room. What I saw crushed my heart. Harry was lying in a hospital bed with his left leg propped up on pillows, and some bandages on his arm, and an tube in his nose giving him oxygen.

Annie in my arms said, "Daddy!" I shushed her and handed her to Niall, he said, "I'll give you a minute."

I sat down the the chair next to Harry's bed. I grabbed his right hand and lifted it to my lips. I looked at his left hand, the back was bruised but I looked at his ring finger, where one day I planned to put a wedding band.

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