Chapter 21

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Bella's POV

Tonight is the first time Harry and I will be away from all three kids so we could go Christmas shopping, and it's safe to say I'm very nervous, since we are leaving the kids with Louis and El.

I trust them both totally, but Louis sometimes acts the same age as as Chloe and Colin.

"Okay, we gave them dinner so they shouldn't be hungry, Annie is teething so she might be a little fussy, there's children's Tylenol on her changing table and a teething ring in the fridge." I said.

"Bella go, we got this." Louis said taking Annie from me.

"Umm, the twins need to be in bed by nine thirty, Chloe will probably fall asleep before then since she's been tired all day, make sure that both Annie and Colin have a new diaper on before they go to sleep."

"Bells it's okay." Harry said gently guiding me to the door.

"Bella, we got this." El said and I looked at Louis.

"I got this." she said.

Harry and I went out to the car and Louis and El waved and Harry pulled out of the drive way.

"Why are you so worried?" Harry asked holding my hand.

"We've never left all three kids with some one else before." I said.

"They'll be fine Bells, besides, we get some time alone together." He said.

"That's never bad thing." I said.

He hummed and pulled my hand to his mouth kissing the back of it. We arrived at the mall an got out to shop.

We got all of the kids a couple of outfits and their outfits for our Christmas card photo that we are taking tomorrow.

We got them new pajamas to give them on Christmas Eve, that was a tradition in my family when I was a kid and I wanted to do it with my family.

We got each of the twins a stuffed animal, for Colin we got a soft little giraffe, and for Chloe we got a soft teddy bear with a pink bow by its ear.

We got tons of toys and different things then we decided to sit down at the food court for a few minutes. Harry and I both wore beanies and made sure to go shopping later at night in hopes of not being recognized and thankfully we weren't.

"What do you want for Christmas?" Harry asked me.

"I don't know." I said, "what do you want?"

"I don't know." he said.

"Is there anything else you want to get the kids?" I asked him.

"I think we got it all." he said.

I nodded and stood, we got all of our shopping bags and headed out to the car.

When we got home we quickly put all of the presents for the kids in the closet, then walked into the living room.

I found Louis and El, Louis holding a half asleep Colin. "Colin, why are you still awake?" Harry asked taking him from Louis.

"Bad dream." he mumbled burying his head in his chest.

I looked at Louis and Eleanor and she said, "He woke about twenty minutes after we put him to bed and started screaming, he would not go back to bed until he got to see you and Harry."

"Thanks El, thanks Lou." I said walking them to the door.

The left and I went back to the living room and sat down next to Harry as Colin told us about his dream, "I wake up and no one home and I think everybody leave me." he said.

I Ran Into Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن