Chapter 29: Failed Stealth

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I felt an audible gasp leave my lips and my eyes go wide. His face contorted in confusion, and then fear and then back to rage. I ran out of that cabin, as fast as I could.

My heart was pounding with fear. I just need to get out of here if Jet is anything like Zuko.

When I reached the cabin Katara and Sokka were arguing again. "We can't leave now with the fire nation about to burn down a forest." Katara yelled. I stormed in behind them, "He's lying." I said. Everyone turned around to look at me. "What?" Katara asked me. "I don't know how to explain it but he's lying and he's dangerous." I said again walking over near Sokka. "Bella you can't just know that." Katara said to me and then turned back to Sokka.

"You know what I think, I think you are jealous he is a better leader and a better warrior." Katara said, crossing her arms again. Sokka seemed offended to even be compared to Jet, I would be too. "Katara I'm not jealous of Jet." He said. "It's just that my instincts tell me--" Katara cut him off, "Well my instincts tell me that we need to stay here a little longer and help Jet!" Katara said walking out of the cabin. "Come on Aang." She spoke. Aang looked between me and Katara for a while, "Sorry guys..." He mumbled and followed Katara outside.

I turned to Sokka, "What do we do?" I asked him. He sighed and slid down the wall, "I guess we are staying another night." He said.

This can't be happening.

---Everyones Asleep---

I was instantly woken up by the sound of creaking floorboards. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Sokka looking out the cabin door, It was still dark out so it had to be still too late for him to be up so I became concerned.

"Sokka?" I spoke in a groggy voice. He snapped around to turn to me and I sat up. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Jet and his gang are awake." He said. That was all I needed to jumped right out of bed and join him at the door. Sure enough Jet and his gang were on the forest floor with weapons, barrels and lamps. "What are they doing?" I asked him, not exactly expecting him to answer. "I don't know but I am gonna find out." He said grabbing his boomerang and stepping out the door. I grabbed his arm before he could get very far. "I'm coming with." I said, stepping out the door as well. "And you're not telling me no." I added before he could open his mouth. "Fine," he mumbled.

I followed Him all the way through the giant treehouse down to where the rope was. We took turns sliding down and then we made our way following Jet and his gang through the forest. We followed them all the way to the edge of a cliff that overlooked a small village.

And then Jet spoke, I had only ever heard him speak sweetly to us but he was using a completely different voice with his gang. "Remember, you're not to blow the dam until I give signal. If the reservoir isn't full the Fire Nation troops could survive." He said. Smellerbee walked up to him, "But what about the people in the town won't they get wiped out too?" He asked Jet. Jet smirked and answered in the worst way possible, "Look, That's the price of ridding this place of the Fire Nation." I saw Sokka move closer to the gang, which probably wasn't good but I couldn't warn him because that would give him and I away instantly.

I saw the Freedom Fighters capture Sokka. Once jet saw what was happening he walked over and begin to speak to Sokka, "Where do you think you are going pony tail?" I gasped.

Every eye turned to me. It was the creepiest feeling to have a bunch of armed, dangerous teens stare at you in the dark. There has a split second where I let out a breath and then started running as fast as I could in the other direction.

And when I mean fast, I mean I was airbending, there has no way they could catch up and they didn't. Although I did hear them in the trees above me. I heard some even call my name. Instead of going back to the cabin, I ran straight up a tree and landed on Appa. I went to his reigns and had him fly up farther enough so the crazy freedom fighters couldn't get up to me.

I layed back on his saddle and reflected on what I had just done.

I had so many questions.

Some about the village, some about the reservoir but mostly the ones concerning if Sokka had seen me run lightning fast.

I knew for a fact that the freedom fighters saw me.

I couldn't worry about any of that now though. I had to focus on the village and the reservoir. It was no point to try to convince Katara and Aang to not fill the reservoir. So the steps of my plan included, rescue Sokka and the warn the village.

The sky was turning light and the sun has rising, Katara and Aang would be up soon and would start to fill the reservoir so even if I wanted to stop them there would be no time.

I peered down under Appa to see if there were Freedom Fighters. To my surprise there were none so I dropped down and started hopping from tree to tree. First objective, find Sokka.

Bella [AANGXOC]Where stories live. Discover now