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A Child's Promise

"Gar? Gar where did you go? It's getting dark and Mrs. L is looking for– GAAHH!"

"RAWR!!" The little blonde boy jumped out of the bushes and scared the living daylights out of her. She fell on the ground into a leaf pile and kicked up every single leaf she wasn't sitting on.

"Gar!! That's not funny!" She shouted as Gar rolled on the ground in laughter.

"I got you! You said you could never be scared and I got you! Ha!" She started playing with her long black hair in her hands. Her sign of embarrassment.

"N-no you didn't!"

"Raven! Garfield! Dinner!" Raven's mother called through the window.

"Yay! Food!" They both screamed out. They raced eachother to the house in excitement.

Garfield Logan and Raven Roth were just as close as their parents were. Both 7 years old, they'd always get into mischief, regardless of the limitations. Once they were locked in Raven's room in a time-out on the top floor of the house, and somehow they both made it to the fridge in the kitchen downstairs on the other side of the house.

All they wanted was some ice-cream.

In school they'd always protect eachother too. Raven was teased a lot for having really pale skin, being called a vampire. Gar didn't hesitate to step in. So many times the little child wanted to get physical, but Raven hated violence at the time, so he always held back. Had it not been for her however, he probably would have wailed on them.

"Mommy, what's for dinner?" Raven asked as Gar struggled to climb up into the chair. He was a few inches shorter than Raven, so he struggled with...vertical problems...that Raven had no issues with. As usual she gave him her hand and helped to pull him up onto the chair.

"Thanks, Rae!" He gave her a huge, gaudy smile and she giggled in response. A classic exchange between the two.

"It's chicken on the menu today guys." Mrs. Logan says. "Well for us. You're getting tofu and green beans, Gar."

"Hey, Rae, where's your dad?" Gar asks.

"Daddy? He's at work." The two began to talk amongst themselves.

"Again? He's always at work when I'm here. Isn't that kinda weird?"

"No...? Daddy works all the time because he loves me and Mommy. And Mommy stays at home all the time so we get money from him every week."

"Don't you miss him?"

"Nope. I talk to him over Mommy's computer!"

"Oh. I don't know what I'd do if I was you, Rae. I'd miss my Daddy too much." Raven looked at his plate and got an idea.

"Mrs. L? Can I try his tofu?"

"No! My tofu!" Gar shouted.

"Calm down, kiddo! She'll have her own."

"Oh. Ok!" Gar's mother gave her a small plate of the squishy white blocks and she took the entire block into her mouth at once, eager to try something new. As soon as she tasted it though, she made a face and spat it back onto the plate.

"Raven! Don't spit out your food at the table like that!"

"Sorry, Mommy, but it tasted yucky!" Raven whined. Mrs. Logan giggled a bit at the little girl's reaction to her son's favorite food.

"It's an acquired taste for sure. Gar is the only one I've ever seen really like it, let alone not spit it out."

"When did he become a vegetarian anyways? He's so young." Mrs. Roth asked.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now