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An "Adonis"

"YO RAE!!"

"As much as I'd love to see Raven get pissed off, can someone please make him leave?" Terra states.

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Raven's head.

"Guys, I've got an idea." She whispered the idea to them and they all turned around, acting like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"Raven!" He came up from Gar, Raven, Kori, and Dick's side of the table. None of them even gave him a glance.

"Uh, 'scuse me? Adonis is here!" He says puffing out his chest. Still no response from the 8 of them at all. "Whatever. I'll just say what I have to say because I know you can hear me." He says. "I don't get why you dumped me, because I'm freaking awesome, but that's fine. Because I've changed! I do a crap ton of community service and stuff now, and I took your advice and got a job!" So far the plan was going well for what it was. Of course, he was right. They could hear him.

Raven was surprised.

He actually took my advice? All to get me back?

"Did you guys see the softball girls on the field yesterday? It looked like one of them fell and broke her ankle." Dick starts up a conversation.

"What? Ouch. She's probably not playing then." Wally states the obvious.

"See, this is why I don't do sports. Too much pain involved. Instruments don't hurt you by playing them." Terra claims. "Unless you have a reed..."

"Grrr. C'mon, you idiots aren't def! I know you can hear me!" ... "I'm still gonna talk." ... "Raven we're getting back together." She lost her cool completely from the shock factor, doing a spit take right on Jinx. Everyone else almost choked to death on their food. "Ha! See! I knew you could hear me!"

Raven whips around to face him.

"What do you mean 'we're getting back together'?!" Raven questions emotionally. Stupefied, astonished, and angry, it's really the only way she can react.

"I'm telling you that we're getting back together. I made reservations for us at my favorite restaurant for Saturday." He says casually.

"So you're telling me to start dating you again? How screwed up is your brain?!"

"Last time I checked both people need to agree that they're dating for them to be dating." Vic adds in a smart tone.

"Tch! She knows we're dating! She's just shy! Always has been! C'mon Rae don't you wanna be known as my Queen again?" He says in a patronizing way.

"First of all, I told you a thousand times to not call me 'Rae'. Second of all, how low is your freaking IQ?! What you said makes no sense at all! If you knew me you'd know I wouldn't flat out deny that we were dating, if we even were, in front of my friends. That's just disrespectful. And why would I want to get back together if I dumped you? You realize I blocked your number in my phone and deleted it right?"

"Rae stop being difficult. We're dating and that's the end of it, so get up and move away from these loosers. Max is waiting in the cafeteria for me to come back."

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now