A Child's Reality *Teaser*

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The sequel is out now!!

Garfield Logan and Raven Roth were dating in high school. They spent pretty much every day together at first, day in and day out.

Raven was quiet, yet strong, and Gar brought out the best in her.

Gar was the class clown, cracking jokes and putting smiles on people's faces, but Raven brought out the side that nobody ever saw.

They were thought to be inseparable.

And now after all those years of being apart, they had been brought together by sheer luck. They had their ups and downs throughout the year, but the young love affair culminated into one thing.

Raven was alone again.

Raven was alone and now she must find him. She has to find him.

But new student is now in school, and he starts to catch Raven's eye.

All Raven wants is to find her love again. And this boy may be exactly what she needs.

She broke the promise once, so there's no reason she can't break it again. Right?


A Child's Reality

"Raven, I'm not going anywhere. You're the main reason I came back. Do you think I came back because I wanted to live in the same place where my parents were killed? On the same street? I chose the house. I chose the street. I chose everything involving this move. I wasn't having good days in Washington anymore. I wasn't happy. Trust me." He grabs her shoulders. "I am not going anywhere."

Raven stares at him then shakes her head. The pain stricken look in her eyes allowed her to be read with ease. The words that previously made her smile now brought her to the brink of tears.

"You...you're a liar..." she states. "A LIAR!" She screams. "You left me! How could you?! You said you'd never leave!"





"Raven!!" The teacher called out to her. She was daydreaming again. "Did you hear what I said?"

"I– uh..."

"No, she didn't, Mrs. Lowe. I bet she wasn't even paying attention." Michael, a former member of Adam's entourage, jeered. In response, Raven promptly kicked him in the shins under their desks. The kids next to them stifled their laughs until their faces flushed.

"Raven, this is the fourth time this week you've done that. Have you been retaining any of the material?"

Raven stares at her blankly and shrugs.

Mrs. Lowe groans, "Raven, come into the hallway with me please."

Eyes bore into her as people watch her walk out. Her steps are lead heavy and everything seems to echo now. The whispering voices echo too. Mark, James, and Michael especially. She shoots them a sharp glare and they immediately stop.

"Raven. You have to pay attention in my class. It's only the first few weeks of school and you've already got a C. Why can't you focus? Is there anything I can do to help?"

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now