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We're Just Best Friends

"Later Raven! Have fun with your new cat!"

"Later Gar!" She got out of the car and he slumped back into the seat and sighed. It was now 4:30 pm and he hadn't been home. And all he was supposed to do was drive his friends home! There is such a thing as being too nice, but where exactly do you draw the line? He still had to practice too. And do homework. And his chores. And make dinner. The last two had to be finished before Rita and Steve got home from work, or at least dinner should be in the process of being made.

He managed to peel himself off the chair and drive back to his house. And when he got in he began multitasking. He put on the boiling water for the pasta while he cleaned the bathroom and he checked on it periodically. Then he got to vacuuming the living room and poured the pasta in the pot, while also heating up the pasta sauce in a different pot.

He unpacked a few boxes while the pasta was draining and the sauce was finishing up. Then he cleaned off the vegetables for the salad and cleaned up the mess he made in the kitchen.

What? There was no way he did all of that without making a mess. There was a trail of pasta sauce leading to God knows where on the floor, somehow he got a tomato stuck in his hair, and there was a crap ton of water and uncooked pasta sitting on the counter.

But after all that was cleaned up, which took another hour and a half, he finally got to his homework. He was fine for a little bit, until he got an email from the school about buying tickets for prom. He thought for a bit, then picked up his phone.



"Hey Vic."

"Did you drop of Mr. and Mrs. Power Couple yet?"

"Yeah I dropped them off a while ago. I drove by Raven's on the way home and she asked if I could take her to the rescue center."

"I told her that you already had a home." He teases.

"Hey! I'm not an animal!"

"Yeah ok."

"Vic!" And he snapped his pencil. "Dammit..."

"Alright alright. What'd you call for anyway?"

"Kori told me about a party that she holds every year–"

"Oh the 'Matchmaking Bash'. That's what she likes to call it." He cuts him off.

"Appropriate name."

"Yeah that's going to be an interesting first experience for you. Lots of guys from school go to hook up with Kori and steal her from Dick. And lots of girls go to try and get those guys and hook up with them when Kori rejects them. Not exactly the best reasons to get a date for Prom, but the party serves its purpose." He explains.

"Is everyone seriously that shallow Vic?" Gar asks skeptically. Either he's looking for confirmation or he just has that much faith in highschoolers that he can't believe they'd do such a thing.

"Some people do go with no intention of getting a date and end up getting a date anyway. That category usually includes us." He states the last phrase blandly, like it was a bad thing.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now