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Do You Love Me?

"C'mon just take the sweatshirt off!" Is all he heard from Jinx for the next thirty minutes. At one point he just began to ignore her and talk with the others.

It wasn't completely horrible, though the topic of his mental state was brought up a few times. It was really here when he had to use all of his emotional and mental strength to prevent another episode.

Especially since everyone just arrived. Jackie showed up with her parents, Terra's parents, Wally's dad, and Jinx's mom showed up too. So had Arella.

They made their own separate area a little ways away from the kids to sit.

Arella being there made him want nothing more than to just get up and leave.

He's sitting pretty calmly though. The anxiety from the adults arriving has subsided. His head is resting on his knees which are up against his chest, not as tightly as before. His hand is propping him up, all finders spread out wide on the blanket. He drags his fingers back and forth on the blanket ever so often, feeling the soft cottony cloth between them.

Raven is sitting next to him cross-legged. The other's talking isn't even registering in her mind. She examines his hand as everyone continues to talk.

She traces over his fingers with her own. Strangely, he doesn't seem to notice. She places her own hand on his. No reaction. He's facing away from her, so she can't see his face to tell if there was one or not anyway.

"Ha! I new you were lying! Right Gar? Gar?" Not getting a response out of him, Vic, and everyone else, turn to see that Gar is actually asleep.

"Wow. He slept through all our screaming?" Jinx questions.

"Well that's what happens when you don't eat. You get tired ." Dick states.

"I was wondering why he wasn't moving." Jackie says.

"Wonder how long he's been out." Terra ponders.

"About five minutes now. I saw him drifting off." Kori claims.

"Should we wake him up?" Jackie asks.

"No. I think he needs it. Plus if he can sleep through all this nose then he must be really tired." Dick replies.

"But I'm hungry!" Jinx complains. "Weren't we all going to get up and get something to eat?"

"Yes, but we cannot just leave Gar here by himself. If he wakes up while we are gone he won't be very happy." says Kori.

"I'll stay with him." Raven offers. "Just make sure you buy him like a funnel cake or something."

"You sure Rave?" Vic asks. She nods. "Alright then." The rest of them get up.

"Large or small funnel cake for him, Rave?" Wally asks.

"Large for him and for me. Make sure mine has whipped cream!" Wally flashes her a teethy grin and a thumbs up.

She moves her attention back to Gar. She moves herself around to the way his head is turned, so that if he wakes up he sees her. But he's already awake. His eyes look exhausted though.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now