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No. Way.

"What did God say after creating Adam?
'I can do better.'"


"Thank you!" They paid and left the bakery, smelling of wonderful cakes and delicious cream as the bakery did.

It was a beautiful morning. The sky was dotted with tiny puffs of white and the sun beamed it's life-bringing energy down onto everything. Gar felt rejuvenated just being outside and standing there. He took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. It was the perfect beach day.

When they got outside, Gar was already eating the pastry puffs of pure, unadulterated sugar they had bought. And because they were small enough to, he'd just pop a whole one in his mouth without even batting an eyelash.

"Gar! Don't eat them all! We're sharing those!" Raven reached for the bag, but his reaction time was much quicker and he moved away to protect his precious golden puffs.

"I only had two!" He said after swallowing.

"Gar I watched you. That was your fourth." She corrected.

"Ah fourth, second, what's the difference?" He said waving it off.

"Two. The difference is two." She glowered at him all the way to the car. Well, almost all the way.

"Oh dammit." He said with a full mouth.

"What?" Gar points to their car. Someone was leaning up against his car. Just by the pompous and overly confident stance the person took while simply leaning was alone a dead giveaway to their identity, "Adam!"

"Oh hey Rae. Hey nerd. Like what I did to your car? I figured it could use an upgrade." He gets up from the car and walks around to the driver's side of the car. Now getting a full view of his ex and her current boyfriend, he felt really hot. She was clearly wearing a black bikini under that white mesh tank top. If it wasn't clear to him he'd be worried that he was blind. And the worst part of it was that it was his favorite out of all of the ones that she had. Which confused him a little bit considering it was her least favorite due to it being so revealing. Since when did she get even remotely close to being comfortable wearing that in public?

"Hey, my eyes are up here buddy."

"You slashed my tires?! What the hell dude?!" Gar shouted.

"Did you literally just show up to screw with his car?"

"I came to pick you up." He says after fumbling over his words and clearing his throat.

"For what?"

"The beach. Duh." She notices that he's wearing swim trunks and that them and his hair are still kind of damp.

"Looks like you were already there." She crosses her arms, accentuating her chest even more to him. Was she doing this on purpose? Or was that just what he wanted to think?

"Congrats! You have eyes." He says in that sarcastic tone she's always hated. "Everyone's at the beach today Raven. It's the first day of Summer Vacation and it's hot as hell." He states matter-of-factly.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now