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One Hell of A Party


She wants us there at 7

Gar checked his phone for the third time in the last half hour looking at Raven's text about the time. He used to have this bad habit of being 10 minutes late to everything. Consistently. He's fixed it, but only with constant attention. So as he was getting dressed he'd glance at the text, the clock, and then get back to what he was doing. He was planning to leave at 6:45.

But it didn't help that it was 6:30 and Steve and Rita kept telling him to change his outfit like it was some sort of fashion show. He wasn't a girl yet he still had to go through this. Unbelievable.

"Rita, this is literally the 6th time I've changed my clothes. I think I'm fine." He stood there waiting for an answer.

"Hmm, go back to the third one."

"UGH!!" He throws his arms up into the air. He marches back to his room and just chooses the first outfit he had on. Which was some white sneakers, blue shorts, and a dark green tee shirt underneath a blue jean button down shirt he left unbuttoned. He put his watch on and grabbed his necklace. Making sure it was secure, he walked out of the room and down the stairs. "I'm going to wear this ok?"

"Gar you should wear the third one! The jean jacket looks nice!"

"I always wear that thing. Either that or the leather jacket."

"So why not wear it now?" Steve asked.

"Oh my God I'm not doing this. I have to go pick up Raven guys."

"Alright fine." They left him be. "But next time I get to choose your outfit."

If you want to dress me up then just get a girl. Damn!

"Yeah sure." He waved her off.

He made sure he had his phone, his keys, and got the chips from the cabinet.

"Bye guys! I'll text you when I'm coming home!"


"If you get drunk I'm killing you."



Gar started up the car and backed out of the driveway.

He made sure to text Raven to tell her he was coming so she could be ready when he got there, and sure enough, she left the house as soon as he rolled up.

"Hey Gar. Did you bring the chips?"

"Mhm. You got the punch right?"

"Yep." She holds it up in the plastic shopping bag and he looks over, getting a good look at her.

She was wearing black shorts, black converse, and a red lowcut camisole under a cropped, sleeveless, black, jean vest. The vest had silver studs on the shoulders and she was wearing silver bracelets on both wrists.

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