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You Don't Deserve Me

"Aww yeah!! Got 'em!" Gar screamed. He had just beat a boss in story mode of a Battle Royale type game.

"Nice job Gar," Amber congratulated. "But maybe you should use an AWP instead of the semi-automatic." She suggests.

"Hmm...ok, lets see how this works..."

The only ones there were Amber, Gar, Raven, Jack, Myra, and Jackie. The others had things to do apparently.

Raven stood with Amber as she usually does when she comes with Gar. Mainly because Gar was going to bring her home again, but she didn't mind staying after school with him for his practices. She liked the Manticores, they've been there as her friends before Gar even got there. Now she just had a better excuse for coming than "because she wanted to".

"So what exactly happened with Adam?" Amber asked.

She sighed. "Can you tell I'm a bit worried?"

"You have that look on your face."

"Well he's targeting other people to let out his anger on. People who have nothing to do with him and I. Maybe he targeted Jackie because he knows she's Vic's sister, but she still has nothing to do with us. He doesn't know she's my friend."

"That is a problem. A big problem. Especially if he targets people that are obviously weaker than him like Jackie. He could seriously hurt someone."

Raven nods. "And..." she gives a long sigh. "It's all because I still haven't reported him. If I reported him for harassment or bullying it would be over just like that." She snaps her fingers. "He'd either get expelled, suspended, or given a severe punishment, and that would be the end of it."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"I...I don't love him anymore, but I think it's because I still care about him. And I don't want him to get in trouble. He..." she groans. Spit it out Raven!! "He was my lifeline when Gar was gone. He was someone I thought I could trust with my feelings. So I can't get that sentiment out of my head."

"I understand Raven. I was in an abusive relationship like that once. We had broken up but I wasn't ready to totally get rid of him and move on."

"Well the thing is, I've moved on. I guess you could say I have a crush on someone else. But I've shared a lot with him. About my life and about my past. I don't want him to spill any of that either. And I sure as hell don't want Gar to hear any of it."

"Hmm? What's Gar have to–"

"When he left when we were kids, we made a promise to 'never change'. Obviously that didn't happen. Everyone changes as they get older. It's inevitable. It's more of an emotional and personality change than anything now. Now I know the promise was more mental than physical. The choices we make, our morals, and our view of eachother. Things like that.

"But I know Gar. And he holds onto things. He's held onto the way I used to be more than I have to the way he used to be. If he found out I've made some of the choices I have I don't know what he'd do. I don't know what I'd do."

"Raven, Gar needs to find out some time. The longer you wait, the worse it'll be."

"I know. That applies to both my problems. I just...I don't think I'm ready to deal with his reaction. Not yet."

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now