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not a single word

Raven led him out the door and to where Gar had parked the car. Gar opened the door without question and they both got in.

Neither of them moved.

Neither of them spoke.

They sat there trying to process what had just happened. The only sound was the bass from Kori's house. Nobody was even talking in the house. Then, the entire house roared with talking and shouting again. The party had resumed.

Gar looked over at Raven and he saw that she was taking quick breaths. Her chest was very visably rising up and down. She kept the noise to a minimum however, breathing through her nose. Her cheeks were flushed. And she didn't have any blush on.

"Rae?" She snapped her head around at the name. "Are you ok? Your cheeks are the color of your shirt and it looks like you're hyperventilating."

"I-I don't..." Her breathing picked up an even quicker pace. "It-it was the crowd I..." she gave a breathy exhale through her mouth and swallowed nervously.

"Easy Rave easy! Calm down first." She looked at him with soft eyes, and then leaned into him. No hug, just a gentle lean. Like he was the back of a chair.

Her breathing began to slow down.

And it slowed down even more when Gar unexpectedly wrapped his arms around her loosely.

Soon her cheeks returned to normal. But she didn't get up off of him.

"I'm sorry I did that. But you weren't getting out of that on your own." She finally speaks. Her voice is soft as she regains her composure.

"Are you ok?" He completely ignores what she had just said. It was like she didn't even say anything. She looked up at him and he had a serious look on him. The same look he gave Adam his first day.

"..." she looked down at her hands. "Yes. Now I am. I don't do well in front of big crowds like that. When everyone looked at me I almost passed out." She explains. She feels him exhale in relief.

"It's ok. If you hadn't said anything I probably wouldn't have half my clothes." He acknowledged her previous statement now that he knew she was ok.

"But now everyone thinks we're dating..."

"But we're not." He replies.

"You don't mind that people think we're some thing we're not?"

"..." he hesitated. "Not if you don't." Because I'm already pretending to be someone I'm not anyway.

She smiled. "Then it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter..."

They sit there in eachother's comfort for a bit, then their phones started buzzing from notifications from their social medias.

Gar opened the first one, but all the latest posts were about how they were dating. "Wow. People are fast." He said in awe.

"They got a photo of us running out?"

"And me in the crowd when they started tearing me apart."

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now