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"Gar?...Gar?" Rita calls from the passenger seat.

"Tch. I bet he's asleep." Steve scoffs.

"He's on that DS thing."

"Wait, did he fall asleep with it?"


"Ha!" Steve laughs with no regard for Gar sleeping peacefully in the back amongst their furniture, suitcases, and boxes. Yet, this does not wake him up. He's pretty deep in it too. On the brink of snoring, letting out small noises from his nose. With his DS resting gingerly in his hands on the precipice of his knees, very close to falling into the black hole that is the bottom of the car, overflowing with objects. His feet have already been swallowed whole by it.

"Hey, Gar? Gar?" Rita attempts to wake him up gently, but it doesn't take her long to get frustrated with his inactivity. "Grrr, GAR!" she shouts. Finally fed up, she turns her whole torso as best as she can in her seat and reaches both arms into the back seat of the car. Barely grasping his shoulders due to the seatbelt doing its job, she shakes him as best as she can whilst calling his name.

"WAH! I'm up I'm up!" Gar looks around in a state of shock and with the sudden jerking, causes his DS to fly off of his lap into the endless sea of knick-knacks and duffel bags beneath him. He forgot he was stuffed in a car with all his belongings beside him. The small white car was rumbling down a bustling highway, filled to the brim with their things. The rest of their furniture -- the big things mainly -- were in the moving truck behind them. They really only needed one. They didn't have many things, let alone many things that couldn't already fit into their car.

"We're almost there, Gar," Rita says in a much calmer voice.

"Cool..." He says groggily, not really realizing what she said. He rubs his eyes and tilts the bill of his baseball cap up away from his eyes. "What...time is it?"

"About 6 AM," Steve says from the driver's seat.

"What? Rita! Couldn't you have let me sleep longer...?" He complained, sounding extremely lazy as he did it. "This is a road trip, not school...!"

"It's a permanent road trip."

"Ah, potayto potahto. Same thing, right?" He said, way over-pronouncing the 'ay' and the 'ah'. He sounded thrashed. Like he came back from a party that he doesn't even remember.

"Sure, Gar," she says rolling her eyes. "Just get your stuff together and be ready to help us bring everything into the house."

Gar gave a weak thumbs-up, a small, half-witted smile, and then went straight back to sleep.



Gar woke up and was visibly shaken, sweat starting to roll down his face, panting like he was running for his life from something.

"Oh, God, I'm still in the car." He tries to calm himself down but he's borderline hyperventilating. His heart rate is probably twice, or even three times the speed it's supposed to be. Eventually, he does regulate his breathing, but the shock is still through the roof. He took a deep, long inhale, and exhaled the same.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now